I’m raising degenerates

@tenangsaja I considered posting "I'm on holiday in QLD, walking about, minding my business when I feel a sprinkle of water. Great, i thought- rain. A few more steps and I realized it wasn't raining anywhere else, so I turn and look up, and see two kids on a 4th floor balcony, with the younger of the two peeing off of it! Couple of heathens, I say. Now I am at, smell like pee, disappointed, and my holiday is ruined ..."
@tenangsaja Never say "boys will be boys" on reddit. You could say "my son just helped and old lady cross the street and then helped a cat get out of a tree, but boys will by boys" and you will still get attacked. That phrase triggers people for some reason lol
@tomy6240 To be honest yes it’s bad and they shouldn’t do it, but it’s also kind of hilarious in a “I’m a dad of boys and I could 100% see my kids doing this as well” kind of way.
@tenangsaja You're raising the first house broken Aussies in history mate, there'll be some setbacks, but good on ya for the effort. The snitching, though, that's a concern.
@tenangsaja My friend taught his eldest daughter (6) that saying. His wife wasn’t impressed when she received a phone call from the school that her daughter said it in front of the whole class.
@haylale I taught my kids that “hookers and blow” was the answer to any question AND I let them watch SNL Celebrity Jeopardy, both of which resulted in phone calls, so it could have been worse.