I’m raising degenerates

@tenangsaja My seven year old has a thing about asses at the moment. Every time me or his mum lean over he sticks his whole face over our bumhole and pretends to sniff it like a dog.

He's a great kid the rest of the time and everyone loves him.

You're doing fine.
@tenangsaja I would be pissed and make them stand in the corner (yes even the 12 year old) for a good while.

I would then tell them they get a clean slate.
It's not worth your whole vacation. Do a grounding exercise or something and try to move on.
@cbaker1945 Standing in the corner is old school and not an effective way to teach kids how to behave. Especially if your definition of 'a good while' is more then 5 - 10 minutes.
A conversation should be had with the boys about hygiene, waste from our body has bacteria and germs that can harm others and the fact that public urination is a crime.
A suitable punishment would be making the boys clean the toilets at the place you are staying on vacation and talking them through it whilst reiterating the hygiene aspect to them.