I’m raising degenerates

@tenangsaja Don't get embarrassed there kids and one day you will all laugh about it. Everyone one of us and our children do things that are stupid and we regret. We learn from them and move on......

My now 15 old when he was 3 lived to pee and when u hear rain like sounds inside the McDonald's play place.....yes your heart stops and go Fetch paper towels.
@tenangsaja We were on a walk the other day and had to wait at a railroad crossing. I started chucking rocks at the Amazon boxes and my 4yo daughter joined in while my 20mo son cheered us on. Some guy in his car stuck at the stop rolled his window down and goes, “real great example to set for your kids”. I just said, “thanks” and kept chuckin’

I too am raising degenerates but only against the broken systems we’re forced to live in. They’re very kind and sweet kids lol
@tenangsaja dont be that way. just let em be boys 😆 fuck it if my son did that i wouldn’t be embarrassed who cares what others think and it wouldnt ruin my holiday. just spank that lil ninja