I’m raising degenerates

@tenangsaja The residents are used to it. Remember this place has seen schoolies mate. That shit isn’t too outrageous.

Yeah as for the kids mate. It isn’t great but maybe just have a chat with the boys about how that was a bit fucked. I’d personally be a lot harder on the 12yo than the 7yo. The 7yo probably just trusts his brother a little too much.
@tenangsaja So yeah. You can try to nip it in the bud now. It will happen again. Don’t shame them. Scare the crap out of them. Tell them someone filled an assault report and they are looking for the pissers.

Also, good idea to let them know that peeing in public can lead to some serious consequences like having to register as a sex offender. At least that’s how it can go down here in the ol’ Red, Clear Piss and Blue.
@tenangsaja That’s all you can do, really. They know the possible consequences. Find a good hiding spot.

My son (9y) used to be so unabashed about it until he was around 4-5. He wouldn’t go out in the woods unless he was fully covered. So. He’d walk into pine trees to go.

They’ll be fine. So will you. Have a nice holiday!

If they get real bad, show them “The Easter Bunny Hates You” on YouTube. It’s so wrong it hilarious.
@tenangsaja This is just classic kid stuff lol. Or maybe I’m just a degenerate. I grew up on a farm and we had an old sugar shack for making syrup that wasn’t used anymore. Hunters still used to oven for heat in the winter. We got one of my friends to look inside to see if he could see the writing on the inside (there was no writing) I shit down the chimney and the impact of it hitting all the old ashes causes a crater and a cloud of ash. He took his head out of the oven completely covered in ash, and that my friend is humour.