I’m about two weeks out from having a C-section to have my twins, and I think I’m a little too delusional

@rrruff There's no way to really understand what it's like to bring home 1 baby let alone 2!
Mine were in the NICU a few days which gave me a chance to recover while they were in the best of hands, so that's a good deal.
I think I hear what you are saying, and I think I get it and I don't think you are delusional. Take your pain meds from the c section and rest when you can. If there is anyone who can watch and snuggle babies while you nap get them to come those first few days. Before you know it you have made it through
@holybelieverr I looked into that, but I don’t think we can do it financially. We’re living on just my husband’s income at the moment so I can stay home with the babies for the first year or so.
@rrruff You can try to negotiate their rates or just have a Persian come one or two night s a week. It’s going to be a very important tool for your mental health, unless you have a bad a$$ family member that is going to help you, try to find as many “extra handsome as you can!
@holybelieverr I didn’t know it was even a possibility to negotiate their rates. I’ll definitely look into that. I do have my mom staying with me for the first month and my sister will be here for the first few days out of the hospital.
@rrruff I went to target the day after I got home from my c section. But the fact that the babies did not sleep at the same time ever for like the first month wasn’t something I expected. Actually taking care of them was harder than the c section recovery
@rrruff Fake it til you make it has been my strategy all along and by about 8-9 months or so, I really made it and it was all figured out and okay. My twins are 5 and a half now. I legitimately think this is a great strategy because, indeed, it will all be fine and you will figure it out!
@rrruff My partner was up and moving like normal albeit at a slower pace about 24 hours after surgery. The first 8 hours or so she would need help getting in and out of the bed but after that she did it on her own very carefully. We went home after 2 nights and the only restriction was they told her not to bend down/over to pick up the babies for like the first week so I would bring them to her.
@rrruff Things are usually pretty easy until they hit term (like 40 weeks) and then things get ugly. So use the sleepy premie phase to adjust and you’ll get through it
@rrruff My wife had a C-Section as well. She was supposed to be in bed for like 2 weeks (tho only in the hospital for 5 days I think) after getting home. Her mom came and helped for a week and I was off of work. It was a lot of work but honestly, the first couple of weeks were easy compared to what comes after about week 4.

Once the twins hit about a month old, sleep became scarce as evening wake-up’s were all hands on deck. If I can give any advice, start reading up on sleep training. By month 3-4, we’re were able to get back to a semi-regular sleep pattern.

My kiddos are 5 now and still good sleepers
@timbo2 That’s something I’ve been trying to learn about. There’s so many different opinions and strategies, but I’m going to do my best to get them on a sleep routine as soon as I can!
@rrruff If they offer you to go home early, DONT! I stupidly didn’t take the extra day in the hospital and was in such a rush to get home and “start our life” as a family of 4.. holy oh man it was rough.

I missed the hospital bed the most, no price can be put on being able to lower yourself and then incline to help you after a C-section. It was terrible getting in/out of our bed at home and even worse getting up and down the stairs to our bedroom.

Just don’t rush yourself. It’ll all come. My twins will be 6 months soon and omg it’s such a blur but I don’t miss that newborn phase for a second 😅 took me about 3 weeks post c-section to not feel it every time I laughed or had to get up lol.
@ktb Thank you for this!!! I was literally just telling my husband I hope they let us leave the hospital early. I hadn’t considered the hospital bed or any of that. I was looking at wanting to be home with my family
@rrruff I’m at the 2 week mark until my C-section CNN with my twins and I 100% know how you feel! I also made this whole thing just a little harder by adopting a 5 week old kitten 😅 at least he is preparing me for the random wake up calls I guess. We will both be good, I just know it.

I have had a C-section before with my singleton and that experience wasn’t too bad. Healing definitely depends on the person but I was up and actively going to class and working from home within 2 weeks. I really think the belly band that the doctors gave me really helped out with feeling “normal” and just aiding in the pain and healing. Obviously don’t push it but try to make sure you walk and try to keep your blood flowing to help with the healing between naps.

I wish you luck!
@rrruff Everyone has covered most of what I probably would have said, but there is something I experienced post partum that I would not wish upon anyone.

So obviously you're dealing with swelling still for a while. But I seriously developed carpal tunnel in my wrists/hands fingers, and it was BAD. Bad enough to make me cry, even when I was still taking the pain meds from the C-section. It felt like my hands had an insane amount of pressure inside of them and like they were going to burst, yet also tingly hot but icy. My OB told me this does happen to some people, and it should resolve itself by 6 weeks postpartum, maybe 8. I think mine began to settle down around 10 or 11 weeks. It was honestly excruciating and I often told my fiance I just wanted to chop my hands off, the pain and discomfort was so bad. Trying to breastfeed, change diapers, do the little buttons and zippers on their clothes, when I couldn't effectively move my fingers correctly or feel what I was doing, just pain.

I don't know why mine was so bad, I had a fairly uneventful didi twin pregnancy, no preeclampsia, weight gain was fine, and the weight fell off pretty quick. OB kind of shrugged and just said it happens and mine just happened to be more severe. But I'm not kidding, my stupid hands and fingers had me in a really dark place those first few months. I am so thankful that it went away. 😩

Since I don't really know why that happened to me to the extent that it did, I don't know what to advise you to do or not do to avoid it, if that's even possible. 🤷🏼‍♀️😅 But if it happens, rest assured, it will go away eventually, hopefully faster than mine did. 🤞
@emsxxo Oh that sounds so awful! I had no idea you could get it after the babies come, I thought it was just a pregnancy thing. That’s good to know! My mom suffers with carpal tunnel from doing hair her whole life, and she gets shots directly in her wrist to help the pain. I can’t imagine being in so much pain that I’d take a shot to the wrist.