I’m 4.5 months in and it’s still hard.

@grace4us I hear you Mama!

My twins are 2 and I have a 6-month-old. I always felt so much guilt with the twins...like I couldn't wait till they were in bed. I love them but I hated the hard parts.

But like someone else said "It gets different!" It's so true the hard changes to something new. Our oldest (singleton) is now in sports and we are wondering how on earth we'll be able to do it with all four in sports.

Right now my" different" is laundry piles over my head(potty training) and pounds of diapers. I hate the laundry but not my kids. I know we struggled with fertility and everyone was like oh well you should be happy to have these babies. I am but the task of keeping them clean, fed, and happy Ha! That's okay to hate it.

You have survived every day (sleepless nights) so far you just have to make the next minute and then the one after that. They'll add up and the little people in your lives will know that they are loved just not all the extra work they caused wasn't appreciated lol.

Sending hugs
@grace4us 4.5 months was harder than newborn for me. They’d hit the regression, naps went to crap and they were so frustrated at not being able to move, oh and teeth started to come in.

At seven months (5.5 adjusted) we have a much better routine happening and I feel like I can plan a little better. I wouldn’t go as far to say it’s easier but 4.5 months was my hell.
@grace4us I’m 4.5 months in too! It’s definitely hard. I try to focus on the positives. We had a lot of trouble getting pregnant so damn I am so thankful for them every single day. If you ever want to bounce ideas of how to feed them or get them to sleep, let me know!
@eddie17 I’m trying so hard to nurse them, but milk supply has been an issue the entire time. No amount of nursing or pumping gets them to fatten up. They are holding their tiny growth curves, but I’m used to fat babies and these things are just tiny.
@grace4us We have had to combo feed from the beginning because milk supply is an issue here too. I wanted badly to exclusively bf but I just haven’t been able to make enough. Combo feeding has taken the pressure off and my babies seem plenty fat to me!
@grace4us My triplets are all in kindergarten now. I sometimes look back at that first year and feels like a trip straight through hell.

It gets better... it just takes time. A lot of time.

It's really hard to be a parent of multiples. It's tiring, time consuming and very difficult for others to relate to your experience. You're probably doing much better than you think.
@grace4us Im not gonna tell you it gets easier.

It gets different.

Things change, bottles to human food, diaper bills to toilet paper bills,

Sleepless nights from night feeding turn into wet bedsheets..

Just wait till their teens, my twins are 5 but my singleton is tuning 16, still have to stay up lake cause he does stupid shit…. But not in his diaper anymore thank god
@eyes2jesus My oldest will be 18 next month so I feel you. There are just so many of them. And this one last baby that has turned to two has just taken so much from everyone else. One would have too, but this is just different. So much harder.
@grace4us We're almost 9 months in and I have been starting to feel a LOT more like a normal human recently. I found I had some waves of it feeling easier and then harder again.

It still feels hard and I'm exhausted every day, they're awake longer, they eat real food but they still need just as much milk which I exclusively pump, but along with that they are turning into tiny humans, they are starting to understand cause and effect which makes playtime a lot more fun, they're starting to get mobile (which is fun and hard haha), and they get more personality every day. It's also easier to plan outings now that they are down to two naps.

So yes, I found it feels hard most days, but the silver linings get a lot bigger each day too!!
@grace4us You're truly in the thick of it but I promise it does get better. But "soon" is a relative term. I was very distressed for 6 months and still under plenty of stress but slightly more manageable distress for another 6 months. For my situation after year one was through I felt like I was living and not coping. It was still hard and parenting is hard in general but after 12 months I felt like things were going much better and by 18 months I was personally feeling positively positive.
@grace4us Not sure if you plan to sleep train, but we started a bit after 4 months and EVERYTHING improved. We got them on a schedule and they sleep so well during nap time and only wake up once at night. Since they are better rested, they are less fussy during their wake windows and it’s actually fun!
@grace4us 4.5 months you are still in the THICK of it. For me it was 8 months before I felt like I could breathe. Absolutely loving every minute of it at 12 months. It gets better.
@grace4us Right, oh, let's all be honest for once,

If those two/three/four aren't so adorable, you'd go mental

That is normal and allowed. I see a single baby parent/family. I automatically think amateur

Sleep? Hahaahaha, what on gods green earth is that!?

Exhausted is my middle name

If i take them to the doctors, one will be taken from us (because of the bite and scratch marks from the "evil" one

Please just give me an hour

Someone's crying because they have soiled themselves.... is it on me?

Whats that wet patch

Op its tough we're celebrating the 1st birthday tomorrow, we wouldn't swap it for the world x
@grace4us I don’t remember when it got better for me (8 months in now). Like all of a sudden they were smiling, then laughing, then rolling all over the place, then first teeth started coming in so we’d get the cutest toothy smiles, then they started getting so curious about everything around them, they’re noticing how things work, they’re playing with each other, they’re bringing food to their mouths and actually chewing. There’s still heaps and heaps of hard moments but I’d say the good parts are definitely outweighing the bad now.
@grace4us Hang in there. Ask for help from family and friends. Take turns with your significant other and take a break here and there. Trust me, it gets easier. My twins are almost 5 years old now. I always look back through those hard times and look at how far we’ve come.