Husband is furious with me

@erogrers01 I’ve given up honestly. However, I’ve told myself that if I do all the work then I’ll take myself shopping at the end of the week. Nothing too fancy but maybe a meal in the car to myself, new pints, or mew clothes or jewelry. At this point, I’m married and in it for the long haul. I’ve tried to get him to clean toilets or even wash the food down into the sink.... not a thing. So, I’ll treat myself!
@derek1111 I love retail therapy! It’s a little harder now, lol. My husband f-Ed up big once ( nothing that would damage our relationship or abuse or anything like that), so I took our credit card and went shopping. After $300, I felt better and he apologized AND I got to keep what I bought. He has never done what pissed me off again. Now I joke, “Do you want me to go shopping again?!” That’s usually enough for him to laugh and cut his shit. Love that man, even though he is a piss pot. ❤️
@nyokabi Hahaha I just tell him that every time I have to flush someone’s pee I give myself $5 a flush fee and move on. I remind my kids and hopefully they’ll get it, husband included but if not, I still win! And the house should always win lol
@ragnar98 I hate when husbands say we do nothing. Like what? OP clearly is a hard worker, she does more for the household than I do honestly. My husband still routinely says I do nothing even though I'm the primary breadwinner and do 90% of the childcare, plus a large portion of housework (clean bathroom, laundry, take out trash). Unbelievable.
@ragnar98 My husband said some bullshit about how he's the only one who takes out the trash. I said, "wanna trade?" cue deer in headlights "huh?" Well... I'll handle all the trash if you handle all the diapers, bottles, naps and bedtimes for both kids. "no deal"

ok then kindly stfu
@adorkable When mine starts saying that he always/never does something that I know isn’t true, ie always take out the trash, I start logging each and every time I do something or something doesn’t happen on our shared calendar for about a month. He usually gets the hint.