Husband is furious with me

@ragnar98 Us mamas know how hard you work!! My baby is EBF and only sleeps via nursing to sleep and shes now 17 months old and let me tell you that was the HARDEST thing I've ever done in my life lol pushing out a baby and then having 0 help ( hubby works 16 - 18 hr days) I did it all on my own as well and take great pride in that lol you got this mama hang in there!! A man who has never breast fed a baby nor pushed one out can ever say you dont do anything all day this is a full time job with no days off no vacations no help no friends
@lloydk I’m so glad I can relate to someone✨✨✨ thank-you!

Being a mother is a thankless and exhausting job for sure. It’d be nice if our partners appreciate us more❤️
@ragnar98 I found sometimes I needed to just vent to him about certain things and sometimes the way I came off made him feel kinda shitty about being away so much and I just needed him to listen to what I was saying and it actually wasnt a jab at him hes gotten better at not taking offense, communicating was definitely key for us and fortunately hes really done a complete 180, he used to come home from a long day of work all grumpy and stuff and meanwhile I'm like a dog in the window waiting for him to come so I can just talk to an adult finally!!
@ragnar98 I've said it before and I'll say it again: taking care of children is a full-time job. I know it is, because it was my full time job before I left the sector to have kids.

I got paid $25 an hour (like $20 US), I had dental, vision, and health benefits, I had an emoloyer-matched RRSP, I had three weeks paid vacation in my first year, I had ten paid sick days, I had a start time, and end time, and breaks during my shift.

So your husband can pay you what your labour is worth, or he can shut the fuck up about "what do you do all day."
@ragnar98 Oh god. I’ve been through similar, too. At one point the tension around me not “pulling my weight” got so bad that I literally recorded every diaper change, every night time wake up etc that I did in order to prove that I did more than what he said. It’s only in retrospect that I realize how fucked up that is. Kiddo is now in kindergarten and I still get accused of doing “the bare minimum” at home. Dude...
@ragnar98 Tbh that’d put me on strike. No cleaning, no cooking, no laundry. Just caring for the kid and that’s it. I’ve done it before and it’s gotten the point across that I do, in fact, do a lot around the house.
@ragnar98 If it was his idea, he should fucking do it. I told him yesterday that I’m just going to do the house work my self. I’m up when the kids are up and take care of them, then see two clients a night with Friday “off” haha no I still take care of the kids on MY day off because they are remote learning. It’s bullshit that when O ask for help I get met with “but you’re home all day” that’s not the fucking point, I asked for help and you refuse because of something I didn’t help out on a while back. Toy for tat. Anyway, I’m sorry you went through this and so glad you stood your ground and didn’t give in.
@ragnar98 I honestly read this out loud to my husband and he replied “so he isn’t dead?”

And my husband isn’t a saint but fml he’s not this naive/dense/stupid. You’re better than me. I’d have burned his stuff by now.