How to know baby is thriving with certain formula?


New member
My LO has been battling reflux and now GERD since 6 weeks and was on Pepcid for a month and now on Nexium. He was diagnosed with cow’s milk protein allergy and I had to cut out soy and dairy (I feel horrible because I honestly mess up sometimes and forget and I’ll have a bite here and there of dairy/soy) and he’s been on Nutramigen since 8 weeks. He’s still combo feeding (breast milk during the day, formula at night due to me being an under supplier). He used to have multiple yellow/green loose BMs a day, but now has a daily HUGE BM that’s yellow and runny. Like this morning, it was seeping out of the diaper upwards to his back and his stomach.

The other day we tried to ease into GentleEase to see how he tolerated it (OK per his pedi) and his poops turned green and loose, sometimes seedy and he started coughing again after the feeds where GentleEase was mixed w/ Nutramigen, so we switched back to Nutramigen and now the poops are yellow and runny again.

How do I know he tolerates the formula and is growing from it? Our next pedi appt isn’t for another month. His slow growth could be due to his reflux, but he is starting to eat more now that we’re resolving his aversion.
@sleeplesswhite I guess she was trying to see if he could tolerate it since he’s improving now on reflux symptoms and due to eating less lately, maybe a bit of GentleEase would help the taste of Nutramigen.
@littlepebble When my little one was struggling, the pediatrician had us come in just for a weight check with the nurse. it was just a drop-in visit, didn’t need an appointment. You could ask about that until things settle. Bigger poops can be normal on formula. We had a week of 7 poops a day with at least one blowout then he settled to 1-2 per day