How to handle my sister who struggles with learning and thinks life gets easier after Highschol?


New member
Hi everyone, i just wanna rant some things here...

So my Grade 11 sister transferred from a “traditional“ school to Homeschooling last month because we were supposed to move to Thailand for 2 years. But because of the travel restrictions, only my mom was able to go there (her quarantine is already done and she’s working there already) and my sister and I were left here in the PH, waiting for a go signal from the embassy.

I’m doing online classes with modules and Zoom calls from my university and I’m pretty good at time management so I have no problem adjusting with online classes. However, my sister, from the traditional school setup to being enrolled in a Homeschool program, is currently struggling. In the program, they have a website called Quipper where all the subjects, lectures, lessons and topics are already compiled. She just have to answer all the quizzes every chapter. You know like the one in Khan Academy where he will just discuss and then a quiz pops up after, like that. Aside from that, she just needs to make a Research Paper at the end of the year. That’s it.

However, I am supposed to be her “parent-teacher” but I’m having lots of arguments with her whilst explaining how things are. Her first complaint is that the quizzes are so “hard” because there are no keywords from the video lectures. There are choices but for me, it seems that you need to analyze first before you can answer it. (Like for example, A is both correct, B a is correct but b is wrong, C both are incorrect). Something like that. It confuses her so much, and her scores averages from 5-7 over 10. And so I told her to learn ”how to think for herself” and to “start using her brain” because i noticed that when she was on a traditional school, she only depends on her classmates and what the teacher instructed her. She also complained how she wanna do Zoom calls also and that she wanna hav classmates too. Because in the Homeschool, she has a shitty learning advisor who doesnt reply and she has no classmates. Just literally a website where you should answer quizzes.

So I talked to her about it and her third complaint is that. She doesn’t wanna study anymore. (well i felt this too before hahah) Because the Homeschooling module is just about answering quizzes and not applying it it real life. She explained how she wanted to make a blog after the video lecture on Media and Information Literacy (because her previous classmates enrolled in other school does it) but the Homeschool program doesnt have any instructions on how to make a blog. And i told her to just make a blog and search it on YouTube, and be creative on making one. But she refused to do so because she always points out how her previous classmates are learning how to make a blog but her Homeschool isn’t teaching her. Then she suddenly said she wanna transfer school. Like wtff, her tuition fee is already paid like wthhh.

ASDSFGDSJAJKKL NOW IM SO CONFUSEDT 🤦🏽I understand how she is still adjusting but for me, she’s already complaining waaayy too much instead of just reading and learning and all. For me, she thinks life is so easy after Highschool and that it’s easy to make a living. I asked her what her ambitions are, she wanted to be a Content Creator, i wanna support her but I challenged her to make weekly contents and post a lot on Tiktok and platforms (like what GaryVee advices)... but then, still she doesn’t wanna do it , and just procrastinates.

I love her and I want good things for her, but I don’t wanna advise her like how boomers do. I dont wanna discourage her in her passion and creative endeavors, but I also want her to finish her Homeschooling. So in this case, if you were her sister, what would you do and what would you tell her?

Thanks in advance!! 💗