How do you approach the stupidity that is Daylights Savings Time?

@robaya I never make any changes lol. Might have a rough day or two (but since I’m NOT a morning person, the “extra” hour to sleep inside since kid is not awake is amazing lol), but usually goes pretty smoothly. Fall is much worse with kids IMO.
@sabstame But with spring forward, you lose an hour of sleep. In fall, you gain one.

I find spring to be worse for that reason, but it usually sorts itself out after a couple of days of normal routines.
@bjwilson1971 Technically yes, but I get what the OP is saying because it’s what we’re doing too. We aren’t adjusting our kid’s sleep but we are adjusting ours. So instead of our son waking at the ungodly hour of 5am every morning, he’ll now be waking at 6. Sure that means that he will be falling to sleep at 9ish (typically 8 before the time change), but like the OP mentioned we aren’t morning people anyway. Once we, the parents, adjust our schedules to the time change, we will be getting an extra hour in the morning at the expense of the hour lost at bedtime.
@chrisfromdublin Ah, I see. I guess since we work and our toddler goes to daycare, this doesn't really apply. We usually wake her up at 7am to get ready to leave for daycare 20 mins later (she eats breakfast at daycare). So now we will all be waking up an hour earlier, we can't choose to sleep longer.
@robaya All my clocks are digital, the times change when we go to sleep and we wake up at whatever time and go about like normal. I don't even really mention it, nothing in our day changes because of it (almost 5yo now)
@robaya I'm looking forward to it. My son has been getting up at 6:30 now that the sunrise is earlier and waking the whole house instead of just daddy like he's supposed to. Fingers crossed that turns into 7:30. My kids don't have a strict bedtime. It fluctuates within about an hour anyway so time changes haven't really been a problem for our family in the past.
@robaya For fall back we do plan and adjust the schedule over a week to work up to it. For spring ahead we don't do anything tomorrow prep. We are all just a little bit tired for a few days.
@robaya We ran her around a bunch today, and will do more tomorrow, so she's more inclined to go to bed.

Other than that, I usually let her sleep in a bit on weekends, so tomorrow will just feel like I'm waking her up at a more regular time.
@rovanpenny I love spring forward. Our toddler has never been a good sleeper and now we have a newborn and I am so happy for one less hour of nighttime to endure lol it’s like a little treat
@robaya We’re going to mostly wing it but definitely do a lot of run around play. If it’s nice we’ll get her out riding her bike. If it’s not we’ll take her to the trampoline jumping place. Luckily she loves chasing games.
@robaya We just stick by the clock and after a week it sorts itself out for us. It's kinda like when we've traveled and our trip was 5 pm there and 8 pm at home, we just went by the clock there, snd by the clock when we got home and he adjusted each way then too.