How do you approach the stupidity that is Daylights Savings Time?

@robaya Mine is 14 months and I’m not doing anything special. He’s in the middle of dropping from two naps to one right now so I guess we will definitely aim to have a one nap day so he will be plenty tired at bedtime. I’ll put him down at 7:30 tomorrow night like I always do. We are lucky that he’s generally good at bedtime and if he’s not sleepy enough yet he will just hang out and talk to his stuffed lion until he falls asleep. The first day or two might be tricky but I figure things will sort themselves out by Tuesday.
@robaya We just treat it like every other day and do everything at the time we usually do. If there are any issues, they sort themselves out in a day or two.
@robaya Our son had a two month ridiculous sleep regression after fall back. It looked helpful for one night then all hell broke loose. I’m praying this doesn’t happen again with spring forward. 🙏
@robaya I think huckleberry’s advice is to adjust by 15 mins. Going to bed 15 mins earlier and getting up 15 mins earlier. Usually when I have an issue I shorten her nap a little so she goes to bed.
@robaya Go to bed normal time, wake up normal time and pretend nothing changed. But we're very routine driven so seems to have worked so far, but tonight and more importantly tomorrow night will be the real test.
@robaya We kinda started adjusting this past week but did a shit job sticking to it soooo here we are. I hate it so much, we were in such a perfect schedule/routine for toddler nap time to coincide with school pick up now it’s all gonna be a crapshoot of me having to wake her from her nap early
@robaya Oof, last day light savings went well. I think to kinda feel on track tomorrow, I'll have to wake up at least an hour earlier than i usually do to get the kid up, then it won't feel different to her attempting to put her down at the same times. It'll just feel different to me. Haha
@robaya I just don't do anything? I dunno I've just never really thought about it and it's just always worked out. We treat the day same as we always do, go to bed like we always do, and get up when we get up and then continue on the next day like always and it's never been a fight 🤷🏼‍♀️
@robaya Daylight saving time is infinitely better than standard! I will die on this hill but yea it’s not great for the babies. We try to shift her bedtime beforehand and wake her up early from her naps. It usually is pretty painless in the scheme of things.
@robaya It’s an hour difference.. what’s the big deal? They’re toddlers.

I love daylight savings and I’m super excited for it to be light out till 7pm+. Sun setting early is depressing.
@robaya This isn't the first time I've seen this kind of thing this week, and maybe I'm just too loosey-goosey with bedtime, but I've literally never given daylight savings a single thought when it comes to my kids 😅 they're 6 and 11, and maybe it's just because my oldest (auDHD) pretty much didn't sleep at all for his first 5 years, but getting them in bed at all feels like a triumph, so daylight savings is just another day.