How do you approach the stupidity that is Daylights Savings Time?

@robaya I just don’t change anything. People put out schedules of adjusting naps and bedtimes 15 minutes or whatever days leading up to daylight savings time, but I just keep our schedule as it is and we’ve never had an issue
@ona I could never fathom this approach, like some people have schedules so exact (and toddlers so compliant) that they can plan for a 15 minute shift??? 😅
@zenbdagirl Oh yeah totally. My toddler would never go to bed 15 minutes earlier each night it would be a nightmare. It’s just easier to get her up at her normal time the day of daylight savings and just sticking to our normal routine. It’s less stressful imo
@robaya We’re planning to get donuts in the morning and watch Muppet Treasure Island. I simply don’t make plans on time change day. It usually sorts itself out in a day or two.
@jualipps I did too and I’m too dumb to understand why that’s a bad thing. I’m gonna just enjoy them (theoretically) sleeping in lol. I gave up on perfect schedules a long time ago tho. My 3yo is on the melatonin / magnesium train and the 19mo is a normal human who actually gets tired on her own so we just wait til she starts acting crazy then put her down.
@robaya I don’t worry about it. I’ll attempt to get kid to bed on time tomorrow, but if she’s up an “extra” hour it’ll sort out in a couple days of getting up at the correct time, I won’t let her sleep in starting Monday.