How do you approach the stupidity that is Daylights Savings Time?

@robaya 1) we forgot until we woke up at 6 and my phone said 7

2) LO has been waking up an hour early for the past month so this is convenient

3) Even if I did remember, gradual adjustments have never made a difference in our house so we just roll with it
@robaya Seem to be in the minority, but our toddler is on a pretty strict schedule and sleeps 11h without wakes- so we'll be shifting earlier by 10-15 min over multiple days to minimize the change.
@aforgivenman Hi! I think we’re going to take a similar approach. Did you already do the shift? Or will you do it after daylight savings? Our LO sleeps by 8pm the latest, so wondering if we let him sleep at 9pm tomorrow and then figure out the rest starting monday
@katrina2017 Started Saturday night- woke up 10 min earlier than target time. Snack, lunch, nap, etc, and then bedtime all followed at 10 min earlier than usual. The next day, same- everything is 10 min earlier.

Repeat x6 and you’ve washed out the hour without being very noticeable. (I wrote all this down to keep track, since on Sunday the clock went FORWARD, so for example we are currently 30 min LATER than target times.)
@robaya Im just winging it tbh putting him to bed at the same time and hoping for the best. Tomorrow is his cousins birthday party so all the running around will have him worn out.
@robaya Honestly, we won’t do anything. I’m actually looking forward to this time change since my daughter will actually sleep a little later. She typically wakes up between 4:30 and 5:30 everyday (no advice needed for this please) so I’m looking forward to her sleeping until 5:30/6 tomorrow morning. I know it’s not the same but it will feel like it’s later to me.
@robaya I’m not sweating it. Some kids are super sensitive with their schedules but thankfully my toddler isnt really. And I dont like to stress until there’s something to stress about.
@robaya Yesterday (Saturday), she (20 months) slept till 8 which is late for her. We intentionally had her skip her nap so she’d go to bed early and hopefully wake up early this morning. Well it might have worked a little too well because she woke up at 5 AM aka 4 AM! I woke up with her feeling oddly rested even though I’m NOT. I’m letting my husband sleep in and I’m just going to power through since I have to get up at 5 tomorrow for work anyway. Hopefully today she’ll take an early nap and will have a normal bedtime. Time to tire this baby out!