@cliffco This kind of attitude really, really upsets me. Like I’m angry on your behalf right now.
Does this man do anything besides show up to work? My god. Does he have any idea how grueling it is to be a parent? Any experience? Because from the sounds of this post, he’s sleeping, waking up, going to work, and then what? Like, how do you have eyes and not see how much work childcare is?
I don’t think you can tell him anything. I think your partner either does not have your best interests at heart and does not care for you as a person but as someone who gives him what he wants. There are no words that change someone like this. He either decides to change or he doesn’t. How much time you give him is up to you, but unless you’d like to add “educate husband on how to be a human being with empathy” to your current chore list, I’d basically act like he’s dead.
I am sorry for how you are suffering. I see your effort. Your children see your effort. You are doing your best and no one is saying thank you. So, from a fellow SAHP, thank you. Thank you for being with the children and giving it your all. You’re doing great and I hope you get a break soon.