How do I tell my husband to have a little more empathy for me as a sahm?


New member
Recently he was upset that I forgot to wash his uniform for work. I’ve been exhausted because my 1 year old is teething and suckling all night and my 2 year old is hyper af.

So I forgot to wash his clothes the night before. I woke up at 5 am and the pants he did have clean had a hole in them. So sewed them up, washed his under shirt by hand and made him lunch while he got ready.

Later that day he said he was annoyed because I almost made him late because I don’t use my time wisely at home. This made me upset because he thinks I’m relaxing at home all day. Not realizing I’m on the clock 24/7 and hardly sleeping. And somehow he claims he sleeps less than I do.

This really upsets me because this is like the 100th time I’ve had to explain to him that I’m doing my best and I can’t always get things done like a stepford wife.
@lostandinsecure Absolutely! My partner does a lot of the wash and all the folding. He knows I can’t get anything folded with a toddler around. He usually does it after the kids and I go to sleep. Have him try to so a few loads of laundry with your toddlers and see how it goes.