How DH “does the laundry”

@elle9406 You do more than I do.. I don't really sort colors unless they are whites, and I don't always fold. We kinda grab what w need off the dryer.

That being said, I 100% understand your frustration. I'm not the only adult in this house and my kiddo is almost 10. Like.. come on guys.. help us mommas out and do something!!!!
@elle9406 I can't seem to succeed in #6, really. I do 5 (all the chores) and get swept up and forget to finish.

My mom stays a lot since the twins (10months) were born, and my laundry failings driver her nuts. Of course she never asked my husband to move the laundry forward, even though he is perfectly capable. She would pester me or do it herself. *Including while in recovery from my traumatic C-section and follow up surgery. *
@elle9406 We have a "partner sock" bag in each of the kids drawers (why dont adult socks go missing????). The bag says "hello, if you find my partner, please put us together, I'm lonely". The bag gets bigger each wash, but ONLY kids socks.
@elle9406 Yep, then it all smells like shit, the white shirts are stained blue from jeans, the towels have wrapped around the sleeves of long sleeve shirts and stretched them to unrecognizable lengths and bras are twisted up into a knotted mess.
@elle9406 Every time my d(amn) husband does this I just leave the wash. It’s a week later and he wants a clean shirt? Better finish that load you told me you were totally on top of, buddy
@elle9406 How to teain a man to wash dishes: exchange for you doing a tune up on his car. Ya know, changing the plugs and plug wires. Not hard. Only complete as much of it per how complete the dishes are. 50%? Remove everything, nothing back in. 75%? Gets plugs, no wires. Want the wires? Requires 100% completion.

Gave up beyond, oh good your clothes found the washer this time, on laundry lol
@elle9406 lmfao (except for that would ruin your engine)

Yep. I know the laundry ordeal you're describing... Throw it all in, jam it to the max, nothing actually gets clean and then it mildews. Lazy af.

Depending on your child's age, I'd just make them out their clothes away. They can't do x, y, z until their mess is put up.

DH may be another story, but at least do your kid a solid and teach them what your DH's parents failed to. Don't be them!

I also know most people are just hella lazy when they know someone will do something for them if they refuse to do it themselves.
@elle9406 My ex used to do laundry by cramming so much into the washer that you would have to run it in the dryer 3-4 times to actually dry it. I asked him several times to stop doing that and just do smaller loads. I finally lost my shit and was like WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS. JUST. DO. SMALLER. LOADS. You know how he responded? He said that he likes his laundry damp, not dry. So if I’m going to ask him to do laundry, I can expect my clothes to be damp moving forward. He was truly, TRULY the laziest sack of shit I’ve ever had the misfortune of knowing.
@elle9406 This man hasn't done laundry since we moved in together 14 years ago. Then leaves his fucking clothes wherever he wants. My Nana hit her husband over the head with a cast iron frying pan. I get it now...
@elle9406 Mine is an absolute psychopath. When he folds the laundry, instead of having four separate stacks - one stack for each member of the household - he just puts stuff all over the top of the washer and dryer. Like he’ll put everyone’s socks together, or everyone’s underwear together.
@elle9406 My husband doesn't do any laundry at all. (I've seen him do any sort of housework like 3 times in the last 13 yrs. ) Ok, One time i thought he was going to help me out but he just sorted out the laundry to wash his own clothes.