How burned out are you as a SAHP?

@ajewelinhiscrown Vacations are not vacations as a stay at home parent. We’re responsible for 100% of planning, preparation, packing, unpacking, activities, meals. It’s not even worth it by the end. I have five under nine and we skipped vacation completely this year because I absolutely cannot.
@ajewelinhiscrown Soooo burnt out. For July, we got a puppy on the 1st, my sisters birthday on the 4th, oldest kids on the 8th, youngest on the 13th, cousin on the 14, mom on the 15. It feels like I have to do an entire second holiday season in July that tbh kinda ruins summer 😅. My husband is home this week but travels the next 2, and then I think kindergarten starts. Like can I get some mental health/PTO days please???
@ajewelinhiscrown 10 years in and struggling to find a job after going back to school. I’m so freaking done, man. Especially this summer. The heat is keeping us indoors more and we’re all getting cabin fever and it’s getting a little tense around here.