How burned out are you as a SAHP?

@ajewelinhiscrown Same here as a SAHM. I can’t imagine my partner ever taking it upon himself to do something like cleaning the carseat, unless I asked him to. He thinks he does enough cause he does dishes and vacuums sometimes. He really doesn’t get it and it’s a big source of resentment for me.
@taylorgodiva28 Oh God I’m so sorry. It’s so exhausting and so frustrating and difficult. My wife doesn’t clean, cook, doesn’t do anything like that. I mean she could have at least taken the food from the car and put it in the fridge when we arrived at midnight but I did that and cleaned out the car seat and brought the other stuff in that we needed for the night. But the other thing is my wife is super super critical all the time so if I asked her to help I would have been hit with “you didn’t put a diaper on her” and how that was my fault. It was super super late I was exhausted and I do all the driving and I got us all home safely and our 5 y/o never had liquid before bed so I sort of thought we could make it home without her peeing (she often doesn’t pee at all at night). It’s just a lot.
@ajewelinhiscrown Broski. You gotta get away from your wife. What is she bringing to the table? Every time you post she has done something even worse than the last time. At some point you have to realize you are enabling her to treat you like shit all the time.
@ajewelinhiscrown My husband left the markers out and after a quick trip to the bathroom I come back to find my toddler with the marker in hand, a big grin and scribbles all over the shelves and walls. I say “no, put that down now” and his eyes immediately swell with tears. His smile is upside down and he’s not crying, but his lip is trembling and he looks SO damn sad.

I immediately get on my knees and give him a hug and apologize profusely.

I’m burnt out. I can’t even pee in peace without a dose of mom guilt.
@ajewelinhiscrown My son has diagnosed sleep issues (restless leg syndrome, mild sleep apnea, etc.) which has led to additional “behavioral” sleep issues, because you do whatever you can to get him to sleep - cause you know survival.

He has recently started having nightmares (I think) and getting scared at night. This is the third time in a week that he has woken up at 2 AM, wide awake and can’t go back to sleep. My wife has to work, so obviously can’t stay up with him. I’m so freaking exhausted, and then feel guilty because we have way too many “screw it, let’s just watch tv” days.
@phegnomenal When my oldest got hers out it was a game changer. Sleeping improved. Fewer wake-ups. Fewer battles during the day. Didn’t have to use melatonin at night anymore. I hope you see some results from your efforts soon.
@ajewelinhiscrown As a fellow SAHD, I can relate. For me, I was already doing everything at home which is why staying home was such a natural transition. Also, there’s just no community for a SAHD. Like I’m not going to make a bunch of mom friends to meet up with during the days. No one wants that.

So yeah I’m burnt out. I’m trying to focus on self-care, dealing with any anxiety, and shutting out any outside noise
@ajewelinhiscrown Maybe it’s because I work on my stuff* a little in the day and a little when my husband gets home, but compared to my previous jobs, I could do this forever.

My kids are not that little anymore, 3 and 6, and the 6 yr old is the hard one, so maybe that contributes. I also straight up say “I need alone time” and I get it almost 1/3 of the time.

I will be honest though, right now I have a 80 lb weighted 2 kid shaped blanket happening right now, so my anxiety might be under control.
@ajewelinhiscrown Bless your heart! I get it. I imagine we've "singed a car seat" somewhere along the line. I mean this in a kind way, not vindictive - but have you ever just said that you need a break, that you need help? Or, if you've taken a weekend away for yourself and had her have to manage 100% of child-caring for 48 hours, maybe it's past time?
@ajewelinhiscrown I'm really burned out and have been for a while. I just try to get through each day with a mental checklist of things to do, read to the kids - check, take them to fun places - check. etc etc. That type of thing. The days just never end and I love forward to that time between when the kids go to bed and i go to bed so much.
@ajewelinhiscrown God I feel this so much. It’s just constant. Putting out metaphorical fires from 6:30am to 8pm.

I just feel like it’s never going to end some days. I have a 1 and 3 year old. They are wonderful and I am so tired. We recently had a major plumbing issue in our house that caused water damage and dealing with that has been so stressful. I’m talking replacing the whole downstairs flooring stressful. It’s still not complete.

My light at the end of the tunnel is that starting in the fall my older kid will be in half day morning school and younger will be in 3x per week morning school. I have been home with them since I got pregnant with my first before Covid.

I was almost dead set on homeschooling but this year I was like GO TO SCHOOOOOL and thankfully got a spot for my 3 year old at a public charter school.
@ajewelinhiscrown All of it. It’s hard to even stomach the fact that I need to find my toddler a preschool soon. That’s just one of one million things pending on my plate. And I have ADHD so.. yeah. The burn out is at a strong 99% at all times unless I can nap then it dips to 95% until I become fully conscious again.
@ajewelinhiscrown Every day is survival. Up breastfeeding all damn night with a baby who refuses a bottle or formula or dad - then with her and trying to entertain a 3yo all day. Currently sick at the moment too. It’s f great. I’ve never looked so shit. I feel about 90.