SAHP Burned out and making mistake after mistake

@ajewelinhiscrown It sounds like you need a structural overhaul. Luckily, no real damage has been done, it’s not too late, you can start right now.
  1. You need to get adequate sleep every night. How can you ensure you get 8hrs? Put your phone away, turn off the tv, get in bed and read a book about 9 hours before you have to wake up.
  2. You need to prioritize health. I think you think the caffeine is helping you, but it’s not. When you’re chemically addicted to caffeine, it means you’re sluggish when you’re not on it, and so you need the caffeine (a drug) to feel baseline. Wean off slowly over the next few weeks. This will also help you sleep better
Similarly change your diet. Prioritize whole, unprocessed foods. Get rid of all the junk in your house and have your family eat the same way. If you’re putting shitty fuel in the machine (your body), well it’s going to run pretty poorly or break down altogether.
  1. At the start of every week, make a to do list on your notes or calendar. Have this be a meeting with your wife. Go through every day, what’s needed, look at tickets booked, make sure you have alarms set for all things
  2. What habits can you change? Do you feel like you’re on your phone a lot or watching a lot of tv? Where can you steal time back to make your day to day feel more manageable?
I always think I “need a break” but really if your day to day feels like this, there will be no bigger change. It’s critical that the days feel sustainable
@ajewelinhiscrown It’s ok… I think you’re just tired. I tend to make more mistakes when I’m tired/haven’t slept or need a long break (like a day or even a few hours for myself). Is it possible for you to get a break?

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