Hot tub usage?


New member
I wasnt sure where I wanted to post this question. And I’ll also ask my doctor of course. But I figured some of you ladies may be like me and have used a hot tub in the past to soothe sore muscles from workouts.

So. We have a hot tub at my house. Since the beginning of the summer we have turned down the temp. Not because of pregnancy but because it’s 95(F)+ out most days.

What temperature, if any, would you guys feel comfortable using the hot tub at while pregnant? I’m waiting til after the first trimester for sure. Which is next week. But I’d loooove to use it again regardless if it’s not as hot as normal. And of course I’d keep my stomach away from the jets I’d only use the lower leg and shoulder jets.

In my opinion it needs to be below 98 (maybe 95ish or lower) so that it’s not heating my body, and my body is able to still self regulate temperature and cool off which it couldn’t do if it was 98...but again. I’m still going to talk to my doctor. Just wanted to hear opinions and if anyone has gotten any instruction from their doctors already.
@asp510 97 or lower, but do still limit time in it (15 min). Honestly it’s hot out so I was going in one at 95 and I still didn’t want to submerge.

For baths I typically start at 98 for the water because it cools off fast.
@hawkblue27 Yea ours had been between 90-95. At first it feels refreshing if you’ve been outside prior. But then it feel comfortably warm. But not hot. I’ve missed it these last couple months. I’ll ask my dr in a couple weeks to be sure.

Thanks for responding!
@asp510 To my knowledge, hot tubs are a bit of a no go. Some say it’s safe for 10 minutes or less, since more than that can cause damage to the foetus. It’s apparently suggested 99 degrees or below. Definitely check with your doc though, they can tell you if it is much of a risk at all, and every pregnancy is different.
@asp510 There are guidelines from public health agencies online. Like you, I’d be comfortable at 99 degrees or below. I definitely took long warm baths while pregnant. And stuck my legs in hot tubs with friends when it was too hot (while chugging water)! The concern is temp as well as dehydration by you so be sure to drink lots of water while you’re in there.
@asp510 From what I know, it's not recommended to submerge your abdomen in the water of a hot tub. Some say no longer than 6-10 minutes with the temps low, but even then that would make me uncomfortable. Feel free to put your legs in though.