Having a toddler = living under a dictator


New member
I said what I said.

Today she dragged my husband into the kitchen to put the cup he finished 0.001 seconds before, next to the kettle šŸ¤£
@igrace yup. When my son was a toddler he was a door opener. Visits with my friend were a nightmare because her daughter was a door closer. It was like the unstoppable force meets the immovable object, and it always ended with BOTH of them losing their shit. I do not miss the baby or toddler years.
@spiritofdiscernment Mine is a door closer too. She regularly tries to behead us when switching laundry loads because the doors MUST be shut, even when you're standing there with the dryer open. (Stacking washer/dryer)
@igrace Agree wholeheartedly!
Though life under the rule of a completely insane, almost certainly drunken, illogical ruler of tiny iron fists... is kinda nice when they wrap their little arms around your neck and tell you the love you. Though that is probably the drink talking šŸ˜‚

My daughter often tells her dad to "Stop it. Okay?" Or will shout/repeat whatever I have just asked him to do šŸ˜…

And I'm recovering from a minor op, so whenever she quite finished with whatever I may be talking to her about she will look me dead in the eyes and say "Go take medicine. Okay?"

Though bless her little heart, she did lift my feet into the stairwell after I got from the wheelchair (after op) into the car seat.
She's now being called "Matron" for the foreseeable future.
@igrace They are! My daughterā€™s middle name is Jo. When she was a toddler we would call ā€œFirst Name, Jo-seph- Stalinā€. For example (with not her real first name): ā€œOkay, Katie Joseph Stalin!ā€ More of a joke that my husbands and I would say to each other than actually to our daughter. Helped us get through some hard days! šŸ˜‚
@igrace My daughter loves pretend play and if she catches you looking she says "bye" and if you don't immediately look away she gets progressively louder and more aggressive with her "BYE" until she walks over and pushes your face away. I can't even be mad it's so freaking cute
@igrace We've just got the stage where things must go where they belong and she's only 16 months.

High chair? She pushes it back when done eating.

Cat food left in a slightly different place? Oh no, she's going to carefully waddle it back to the corner it should be in.

Why can't this apply to toys though??? Those belong strewn about, even if she's slipping and falling over them.
@steve77777 I feel this in my soul!!! Cat's water bowl 1mm out of place? It must be moved (you can imagine the spillage). Simultaneously, there is lego everywhere and she is surprised EVERY TIME it hurts to stand on one
@igrace It starts so young! My 17 mo will make me take my hands off the shopping cart handle and say "no" (his only word) when I'm literally pushing the shopping cart he's sitting in. So I'm supposed to push the shopping cart with... my mind?