Fit check please!


New member
I posted yesterday about some frustrations I've been having with all of my carriers. I got some good tips but of course pictures would've been helpful from the start, so I thought I'd post again with some pictures and questions. Baby is a few days shy of 4 months, about 16 pounds.

First is my ring sling. I got freaked out last week because baby had purple dots on her leg after wearing for about 20 minutes, including a short walk (half a mile?). I think I was overtightening the bottom rail. Tbh these photos are one of my better fits, it felt more secure than it ever has. sling 1 sling 2 sling 3

Next is my Boba 4Gs. This felt best when I had the infant insert in position 1, but now I have it in position 2 as she has outgrown 1. This is my least favorite carrier of the bunch, I can't understand how in the heck it's supposed to fit properly. I want to like it so badly but feel like maybe it'll be best when she can be worn on my back. boba 1 boba 2 boba 3

Now for the Lille Complete. I can't seem to get a deep seat in the slightest, and the narrow setting feels too narrow, but wide is too wide. Again not sure how this makes sense because babies are so many different sizes! I am also maxing out the waistband, so this might be better suited for my husband. Anyway: Lille 1 Lille 2

Last is my Moby wrap. I feel like I have this one down, and it's been my most comfortable option. My main worry is that she is going to outgrow it soon, as she sinks down too far after wearing for only a short while. Naturally she fell asleep in it at the end of our photoshoot. (I adjusted the shoulder pass that looks like it's covering her face!) Moby 1 Moby 2 Moby 3 Moby 4

If you've read this far, thank you so much! I know this is a lot of photos to dump at once but I really want to get this babywearing thing down :p
@reneprays Overall I think you have to work a little on getting baby in a proper seat with all carriers.
If you look at the first moby picture you can see baby’s bum is higher than their knee. The knee should be slightly higher than their bum.
So for all carriers, if you have just put baby in, before tightening the carrier you can put your hands on both side under baby’s bum and tilt it more towards you. This schematic shows it really well. I think this picture is also a good example. If you get the m-shape right you will automatically get more of a c curve to the spine.

I would suggest you practice it with the moby first. If you can figure it out there it will also be way easier getting baby in the ringsling properly.

As to the ringsling, baby sits a bit too high. Try starting a bit lower/looser before putting baby in. You want the toprail of the sling going horizontally from your armpit over baby’s back. It can go diagonal towards your shoulder after it has gone past baby. At 4 months you are also fine to wear baby fully on your hip rather than in the front.

I’m not sure if it is possible for you but I feel like with both the boba and the Lille the waistband should be a bit higher. Then when putting baby in the carrier try to let them sit on the back panel rather than the waistband. The bum should be hanging over the top of the waistband a little. If you look at the first Lile picture you can see baby is really sitting on top of that waistband and their spine is more straight than a C curve.

Additionally, the boba does look too wide. But the backpanel does look the right length for baby’s current size. I’m not familiar with this carrier so I can’t really advise you how to adjust the carrier.

The Lile does look okay width wise.

Hopefully who has experience with one of the SSC comes along to give you more specific fitting advise on those.
@guinin Thank you. I find it hard to get the legs higher than the bum in any carrier. The Moby seems like there is no where else for her to go? I guess I need to keep practicing, but this is what's frustrating to me. I have been at this for four months with very little progress :/

I also tried to have her lower in the ring sling but I'm not sure I understand how to tighten it properly without her raising up.

Thank you for your input! I will definitely keep practicing but for now arms are feeling best.
@reneprays In that case I would suggest you try to book a consultantation with a babywearing consultant. Some hands on help would probably be really helpful.

Maybe one of the brands you ordered your carriers from offers them online for free on their website?

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