First time please hlp..


New member
We had our 20 week and foubd out ots a girl. The tech said everything looked fine. Frday the obgyn calls nd leaves a msg sayin my SO sack may funne into the cervix. They closed 10minites laternso we went to see th on call doc at l&d. They gave her an internal ultrasound and i coul see the dark v sjape but he said the membrane wast funneling. He still wants us to see a fetal spclst. They cant see us till monday or wednesday. Nbd he ddnt admit us or nythin. Butmy dumbass stumbled on stllbirth and micarraige for this condition anf ive never been s terrified in my life. Ayone else go thrugh somethin like this?

Sry for sp im fat fingering my phone
@needhisgrace There are healthy babies born in these conditions. Often premature, but they can do well. But obviously every situation is different. Try to focus your nervous energy on taking care of mama and yourself.
@needhisgrace We had funnelling at 20 weeks, it was scary as hell. My wife got a procedure called a cerclage which is basically a stitch around the cervix. Put her on pelvic rest. We made it to 34 weeks and had a beautiful baby girl, fairly normal labor. 2 weeks in the NICU, then home. She just turned 9 months old and is just a doll. Hang in there buddy.