Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

@mogulmama Seriously I thought you were gonna say you were calling your him Kid Rock or something. Still your choice but jfc I can't imagine a less controversial artist's name than Vincent.
@mogulmama Oh my gosh I was expecting the something wild. Vincent is a completely normal and also great name. I’m a teacher and see some weird ones. I’ve had some wonderful Vincents. Some end up going by Vinny. Either way- it’s great and he won’t hate you for his name!
@mogulmama Shit the way he was acting and since you only said "artist" I was expecting the name to be something weird to an old fart like Will.i.am or P!nk or Prince as a first name.
@jonathanbewell I love the name August, was supposed to be giving birth today but God said that angel wasnt ready and blessed me with a baby coming this December.

The nickname Auggie is adorable!!
@mogulmama i love it! your FIL can kick rocks. tell him that it's super disrespectful he cant respect your parenting decisions and if he calls the baby by anything other than his given name, he wont be seeing baby anymore.
@mogulmama I was prepared to see you name your kid Quasimodo or snork or something but Vincent !? Really. Your fil is an a piece of work. Throw him in the trash. Don’t let him see the baby then since he can’t respect your wishes.
@mysonsmysons trust me, i dont want him to visit
1. he wont respect boundaries
2. peak flu season so it’s already risky around a newborn baby
3. he will be in another country immediately before my due date which makes it even riskier cause he could pick up an illness etc and bring it to my baby which scares me
@mogulmama Don’t let him visit.
The only people I let visit me and my baby are people I didn’t mind having my boobs out around. You are going to be very exposed and overwhelmed the first couple weeks. You get to choose who you and baby will be around and how long. You’re the one healing and figuring out feeding. Also baby needs a little time to build an immune system.

The baby has to eat every 2 hours even at night. You will be to tired to take care of yourself. If the people around you in the first few weeks aren’t there to support mama (make you meals, wash+boil bottles, watch baby while you take a shower or nap) THEY SHOULDN’T BE AROUND!

All of the family will meet the baby in time. Your health and the baby’s health need to come first.
@mogulmama My mil was the same way. I informed her if she didn't call my son by his proper name, her grandma name would be dumb bitch and that's the only way we'd refer to her. She took on his name real quick after that
@mogulmama The baby will absolutely not “love you less”because of a name, especially a name that only bothers your FIL. Your FIL is being unreasonable.
@mogulmama You need to set boundaries with your father in law. They need to come from your husband.

It makes us feel uncomfortable and hurt when you don’t respect our babies name.

As the grandfather you have no rights in picking the name and don’t get an opinion on the topic. We won’t be discussing this further.

If you choose not to respect the name we give OUR child after they are born, we may need to limit contact with you as we will be modeling respect and love.

Set the boundaries early, it’s never just the name. It has to come from your husband.
@mogulmama LOVE Vincent. I had a friend named Vinnie in high school and a few friends w that middle name. It’s very good and just unusual enough! Great choice.
@mogulmama Vinnie is cute 😊
Might be a good idea for you and your husband to sit down together and plan a talk with your FIL, to let him know you're both really disappointed in his lack of support and his overstepping of boundaries. This is not his child. It's yours. He has no say over the baby name. Might be better to start as you mean to go on when it comes to how much you'll both tolerate him trying to weigh in on his grandchild's upbringing.