Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

@mogulmama Tell your FIL that if he cannot respect you and your child he doesn't need to be a part of his life. Seriously. Not joking.

When my sister was pregnant with her first, she gained weight (obviously... You have a little human in there!). Our grandmother who is now dead used to be a really critical person. She used to talk about my sister's weight in front of her. One time we were standing outside and she once again went in about my sister's pregnancy weight and my sister started getting teary eyed. She told our grandma:

If you keep commenting on my weight you won't get to see your grandson.

And you know what? My grana shut her pie hole and never said a other peep about her weight. I know it was hard for her to say that and stand up for herself. I'm pregnant now and gained 30 lbs. I cannot IMAGINE someone being so purposely cruel, yet family members will do that.

Point being: your father in law needs to know his place.
@mogulmama It’s totally normal and actually quite a sweet name. Vince is a cute nickname, etc. I was worried from your post that you had chosen an “artist name” that was obscure or tied to a fandom in some way - like naming a kid Picasso or Springsteen. But your FIL is majorly out of line on a perfectly normal name - ranked 123 in the US!!
@mogulmama Vincent is such a beautiful name. What the f is wrong with your FIL? YOUR HUSBAND IS A PROBLEM ALSO. HE NEEDS TO STEP UP. Your husband HAS to stand up to his father.
@enpointe19 i completely agree..i have been nothing but kind to my fil. im the one who called fil to tell him about appts, im the one who sent fil pictures of the baby’s ultrasounds and face, im the one who asked fil about his life plans and showed interest in the things going on in his life.

fil is the one who have never asked me how i was doing or about the baby, he only asks my husband how hes doing. fil is the only person who said this baby looks 100% like my husband and nothing like me when everyone else says this baby looks like me, including the ultrasound tech. fil is the one who disrespected my boundaries when my husband and i got married. fil has made a racist remark because i said ill transfer to the university thats closest to where we live and he said i should do that because “blacks dont like asians”. (im half asian, fil and his entire family is white). ever since i moved, while pregnant, its been difficult to find a job and fil called it excuses. im over it
@mogulmama Vincent is a beautiful name. It was on my list but didn’t go well with my last name. I love the connection with both the artist and the song. Your FIL can stuff it.
@tieutien what makes this all frustrating is that my husband picked the name, my husband always pictured himself having a son named Vincent and it took a bit to grow on me but I fell in love. fil should take it up with him, not me!
@mogulmama I could see FIL's point of view if you were giving baby a first name like Picasso, Donatello, Rembrandt, or even Van Gogh lol.

But Vincent is totally normal, so him having a fuss is just silly
@mogulmama Oh my god I was waiting for it to be Fergus or Kermit or something out there and unpleasant but Vincent is such a charming name. I think your FIL has some personal issues judging by all the other comments he's made.
@isibhio hes quite stubborn which is fine cause im stubborn too but i dont think stubbornness should be a reason to be disrespectful towards another’s decisions.