Everytime she latches it feels like razor blades coming out of my nipples

@lsltylrs01 Toe curling pain, according to the lactation expert I worked with, is a sign of a shallow latch.

In our case, his shallow latch was caused by 1.) a tongue tie, and 2.) me not forcing enough breast tissue into his mouth.

Have you heard of the “making a sandwich” technique? This and nipple cream/silverettes saved me from excruciating pain and chapped/bleeding nipples.

Things continued to get MUCH better after releasing his tongue tie.
@lsltylrs01 Is baby latched on properly? I know that’s one tip an OT told me, if it’s sharp pain baby might not be latched on properly. Baby’s tongue might not be in the proper spot
@lsltylrs01 Ok this is exactly how I felt. It was so so terrible. The ceres chill nipple shields are the only things that helped me. I would have given up without them.
@lsltylrs01 I had the same issue! The hospital lactation consultant recommended nipple butter after every feed, I use Earth Mama which is baby safe. I also will put on nursing cups on top of the butter to lock moisture in. Finally I have no pain at all after being consistent with those two things! - also maybe check with a lactation consultant about your baby’s latch!
@lsltylrs01 Is your areola all the way in baby’s mouth? If your nip kinda looks slanted like lipstick after, it means baby isn’t latching well and can cause that pain. Mine felt just like what you’re describing, but once I’d literally shove as much of my boob in as possible, it really helped with the pain.
But yeah also, no matter what, it hurts so bad at first.
@lsltylrs01 I’m so sorry it hurts! It hurt me too. My nipples really didn’t adjust (or maybe baby’s latch was just not perfect?) until I was about 8 months in. They were so sore. I didn’t try nipple shields til around 3 months and my baby girl was SO mad about them! I think because it made it too difficult to feed :(
@lsltylrs01 I breastfed my first for over two years and when I had baby #2, it still felt like blades on my nips when he’d latch, even though my nipples were super used to it. It DOES lessen and get more comfortable after a while. Highly recommend the lansinoh gel nipple pads and good nipple cream!
@lsltylrs01 Oh I had the same thing!! Did you recently take antibiotics? It could be a yeast imbalance. That’s what happened to me. I took probiotics and grapefruit seed extract for a few months.
@lsltylrs01 Just a heads up baby can build a preference to the sheild and you'll have to wean! That's when using it primarily. Happened to me I used it from week 2-5 and weaning was so hard. Good luck mama that pain is no joke!
@lsltylrs01 So babies saliva contains enzymes that are meant to break down the tissue in your nipple to create optimal milk flow. Of course that shit is gonna hurt. People like to lie to new moms. Idk why. Anyways the enzymes change once optimal flow is achieved.

I’m glad nipple shields are helping you
@lsltylrs01 i exclusively pump but attempted to breast feed a few weeks back & it went ok at first but the second feed hurt so bad. i take pain relatively well but the latch must’ve been bad because it was toe curling, excruciating pain that made me belt out in tears.

safe to say im back pumping
@lsltylrs01 Sounds like my experience. The pain improved a bit with shields. It started to actually go away around 7 weeks and was totally gone and everything was fine by 9 weeks. And for what it’s worth, I’m so happy I pushed through. He’s 10 months old now and it’s been a brilliant experience. I love every second of it now.