Everytime she latches it feels like razor blades coming out of my nipples

@lsltylrs01 Ouch! I remember that pain. It will get better soon. I had it bad with my first, then not at all for my next two and then a major shock with number 4 because it was extremely painful for 3-4 weeks and then calmed down to no pain.

I used to put AirPods in and listen to music or a podcast I enjoyed to take my mind off the initial pain. I found it helped a lot.
@lsltylrs01 The title of this post caught my eye because it’s exactly how I described nipple pain when I had thrush! Talk to your doctor - I was able to apply an antifungal cream, but my bub was a bit older than yours at the time.
@lsltylrs01 I had very similar pain. Baby was diagnosed with tongue lip and cheek ties and once we got those released it helped tremendously.

Meanwhile I used the lansinoh gel pads. stick them in the fridge and they instantly cooled my poor nipples. I also wore silver nipple shields all day and night long for about 6 weeks. They were heaven sent!!!

Good luck. This is temporary and eventually you won’t feel like ripping your boobs off every time little one nurses!

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