Everytime she latches it feels like razor blades coming out of my nipples

@lsltylrs01 My 1st was so bad I stopped breastfeeding because no LC was helpful. I had a midwife for my 2nd and she literally told me to just shove as much boob in his mouth as possible when he opens it. He wasn’t getting the bottom part of my nipple past his gum line. Now 4 months in, he latches just fine unless he’s really tired. But that was probably the best advice I’ve ever gotten for breastfeeding. It might still hurt for a while until you heal but you can do it!
@lsltylrs01 Lanolin cream before EVERY feeding. Then make sure your nipples dry after and apply more. My baby is a biter and chewer at 8 wpp. So I get bruised nipples and it sucks. I do give her a bottle as needed to give my nipples a break. Or I’ll give her 1 oz via bottle to let her work out the aggression before moving her to directly bf. I also let her feed at will, no schedule.

You do what works for you.
@warden_of_the_storm Another vote for silverettes!!! Express some milk into them before you put them on, makes it work even better.

Also, go topless as much as possible. If you have a sunny room in your home that has a modicum of privacy, position yourself in the sunlight beam with your nipples out for a bit. This actually helped mine quite quickly.

Solidarity on the unplanned csection!! ❤️
@lsltylrs01 My* pain was also horrible. I had blisters and scabs on my nipples it was toe curling pain every time she fed. It got significantly better at two weeks to basically no pain. I still get some discomfort because she drinks like she hasn’t eaten in weeks sometimes but overall a million times better. Try lanolin cream! I also would pump and have my husband bottle feed every other feeding to give my nipples a break because my pump is far more gentle than she is. Now I do most feedings straight from me with no issues
@lsltylrs01 Do you know if your baby has a tongue tie? I've heard it can cause a shallow latch. But it's also likely that it's because baby is so new and you're both learning. Also, your nipples will toughen after a couple weeks, it doesn't seem like it will happen, but it will!
@jamil I’m pretty sure it’s because of my lazy positioning when she’s nursing at night, I’ll lay back and she’ll be on my stomach and I’m pretty sure that’s where I’m fucking up…. I’ll have to stop being lazy lol