Everytime she latches it feels like razor blades coming out of my nipples

@lsltylrs01 The pain is horrible. It also was such a mental mind fuck for me knowing I was going to have to go through the pain every 3 hours with no end in sight. It got better around 6 weeks for me. Now my daughter is 14 months and breastfeeding is the easiest and most relaxing time of my day
@lsltylrs01 It took about two weeks for it to start hurting less, and probably another week or two before it didn't hurt at all. Keep an eye on your nipples for any breaks in the skin. My LC recommended coconut oil to help them heal, I also recommend silverettes (but don't use both at the same time). I dunno if it was mostly psychological or not, but I also tried to rotate the angle at which baby latched to "wear" my nipples more evenly instead of always in the same exact spot.