@praisethelord12 Great list! Our experience was different with a few items:
We never needed a single burp cloth. LO literally never burped up. Not until we started solids and he started stuffing his face full of food.
We did not need saline spray or a snot sucker until we started daycare at 9 months an LO caught his first cold. Babies sound stuffy in the first few weeks/months of life, but I do not think they need saline spray unless they are actually sick.
We used puppy pee pads as a portable changing pad. Nothing against it, we just never bought one for some reason and due to COVID we weren't out much, so pee pads were enough.
Nursing pillow was one of the most essential items! I was bringing it everywhere and can not imagine the first few months without it. I know it is different for everyone. We had the breastfriend pillow.
Yes to a rocking chair. I was not sure at first, but now wish we got ours sooner. Also it's nice to have a large yoga (fitness) ball for bouncing on with the baby for some extra motion. Some babies absolutely love it!
I did not need nursing tanks, just nursing bras. I had a few stretchy basic tank tops, so I could pull them down. I also used the double tank/shirt trick. I would wear a tank top and a t-shit or whatever other shirt on top. When in public, I would pull the t-shirt (shirt) up and the tank top down. That way I had most of my breast and my belly covered and it's still easy to breastfeed.
YES! To white noise machine! LO is 13mo now and he naps well without it at daycare and we still use it on very low at home. Do not worry about them getting addicted to it. It is super easy to wean when/if you need to, but it makes a huge difference in their sleep when they are a newborn.