@kansild For me, there are two kinds of moments in this world: moments that help us move and moments that help us evolve. The moments that help move us progress us forward, but the moments that help evolve us require an understanding that because the
moment itself has taken place, what comes after it will now be fundamentally different.
Being a parent is the latter. It is a moment in a parent's life where they are fundamentally, and chemically, changed. From the moment you give birth, chemically, you are not the same person you were before you gave birth. There are new attachments. There are new ideologies. There are new senses that come alive, and all of this is outside the physical changes that take place.
You will no longer be the "you" that you currently are should you decide to become a mother. But, that doesn't mean that you will lose yourself completely. You will simply have the capability of figuring out who your new "person" is.