Even After 4.5 Years, It's Still Exhausting

@summit1983 YESSSSSSS! " can we just not " -- I feel like when I survive parenthood, I should have that tattooed somewhere on my body to remind me to laugh at what we survived...hahaha
@valsaex SAME. My one brother keeps saying "She's like Jimmy (our youngest brother)" and I'm always like : SHUT UP! Because Jimmy was such a parenting challenge lolol. I was the quiet kind who read a lot and hung out with her pets... where are those genes?! lol

Our girls will change the world someday and this will all be worth it!!
@summit1983 I. am. here. for. this. So spiritually and emotionally exhausted to my core that sometimes I just cry in my bed at nights and fall asleep sitting in waiting rooms. Love my child, but jeez this is the hardest life experience on the planet!
@calo RIGHT!? Like right now, I'm leaning back in my recliner and I'm staring at the ceiling, and I've probably been doing it for the past hour. I'm experiencing mom guilt over giving my child a melatonin gummy because I just needed a night.

2.5 mg. That's it. And somehow, through all of the exhaustion and all of the sleepless nights and all of the anxiety and all of the depression that will never go away, I've somehow found a way to internalize all of those voices that tell me not to say that phrase and I have found a way to make myself feel bad for it.

I'm exhausted, and I'm not apologizing for it anymore.
@summit1983 Listen, I’m a solo parent to a really “easy” kid. She’s high energy, but she’s healthy, and well behaved(ish) — AND I AM FUCKING EXHAUSTED. I’m exhausted in a way that I never even knew was possible before this. Bone weary fucking exhausted. I cannot IMAGINE how tired you must be.

Sending you the biggest hugs!
@summit1983 I am here for you even though I am exhausted too 🙈🙈🙈 I feel ya! It’s hard! I have 22 months old, easy baby, no health problems whatsoever, eats well, sleeps well. Most of the time. I. AM. STILL. EXHAUSTED!!! I feel like I should become a social alcoholic and have a glass of wine every day to just be more relaxed parent and not yell all the time. I don’t have regrets that I am a mother, we chose to be parents, most of us though didn’t choose to be single parents on purpose. But life happens. Even people where there are two parents have the right to complain about them being exhausted. Being a single parent is twice exhausting. We really need to be proud bc we are all bad as**s here!!!
@iowa52241 Mmmmmm, wine. 🍷🍷🍷

Seriously, though. I wish that people understood that just because I have moments where I need to vent and rant about my child, that doesn't magically mean that I regret ever having kids. My child is the best part of me. He has all of the good parts of me and my ex-husband.

But it doesn't make trying to keep that boy alive any less hard 😂
@summit1983 I feel this!!! It’s horribly exhausting, and extremely frustrating when nobody cares to validate your feelings. It’s ok to be worn out, it’s ok to want he break, it doesn’t mean you don’t love your kid, but for fuck sakes other human who aren’t parents are allowed to be tired and exhausted and mentally drained, why aren’t parents? We shouldn’t have to feel like that 24/7. We are more than child creators and caretakers. We are people with feelings and needs too.
@bartonhollow75 Right!? It is so wild to me how so many people believe that once you have children, anything less than having a constant smile on one's face is somehow proof that a child is being neglected. It's gotten to a point where I no longer talk to friends I used to talk to you on a regular basis simply because they don't have children. Not because I don't want to talk to them, but because the instant I start digging into a specific issue I'm having with my kiddo, they either suddenly become an expert in what absolutely has to happen or they end up flippantly telling me that I should have expected it when I got pregnant. So apparently, because I should have expected it, I no longer have a viable reason to stand on when it comes to being upset or frustrated with the matter.

Thanks, but no thanks. I'll stick to my digital friends in video games if that's the case 😂
@summit1983 This! Online I get so much more support. I didn’t plan to be a single mom, I was married, that ended badly, now I’m on my own with six. Fucking right it’s hard as shit. People in person tell me I should have kept my legs closed or told me I should have aborted some of them. Online, people actually seem to give a shit. That’s sad.
@bartonhollow75 My word, the audacity of people is ✨wild✨ these days. I can't believe people have actually said those vile things to you to your face. I am so incredibly sorry. But, you are exactly right. We didn't create these children alone, and--at least in our circumstances--we didn't plan on raising them alone. How dare they say such disgusting things to you. I'm angry for you!

We need multiple bottles of wine for this rodeo.
@summit1983 I blame Western society for this. It really doess take a village to raise children--and I think everyone benefits that way. You're allowed to feel tired, OP. Nature is on your side.
@themightyturtle Nature is on your side.

Thank you. Seriously. I feel like I'm legitimately crazy sometimes when I can't do all of it, and then people look at me like I'm crazy because I can't pencil in things like P.T.A. meetings and soccer lessons and karate classes on top of everything else that is juggled day-to-day.

Like, my dudes. ✨NO✨
@summit1983 THIS is why I hate it when people say things like, you got this girl! You go mama! You’re a superhero! When you vent. It’s almost worse than telling you to suck it up. It completely belittles your feelings and is so fucking patronizing. NO I don’t always “got it”. DONT refer to me as “mama” or any other pet name in response to my pain, I have an identity beyond being a parent which is the reason I’m upset in the first place. NO I’m not a superhero or a goddess or any other super human, I actually require sleep and food to survive and I don’t want to be a hero, I’m just trying to get through the day.

Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, Y E S. Why did my entire existence poof into oblivion because I became a parent? When did it become a bad thing to put the kiddo to bed a little early because I want to start a new book I just bought? When did it become a terrible thing to not always get down on the floor and play with the kiddo and, instead, put on a television show every once in awhile that I'd like to catch up on while the kiddo is having one of those rare moments where he actually plays by himself?

I don't ✨get it✨