Does your toddler play independently when they wake up in the morning?

@katrina2017 Awesome! Thanks for sharing. Love the game plan lol! How old is your kiddo? I think (hope) we're a ways off from dropping the nap. And also still very much working to master independent play.
@carrie1973 He’s 2.5 as well. If you told me we would lose the nap this early I’d laugh in your face lol but it’s actually been fine after just replacing nap with a different thing that I don’t have to be part of. I get the downtime and none of the chasing him down or tears. He was actually sleeping too well once he actually fell asleep and we ended up with a bedtime of like 9. Which is nottttt what I’m about.
@carrie1973 My daughter is a bi lt over 2 years old. For as long as I can remember, whenever she's lying in her crib waiting to fall asleep, or when she wakes up in the morning, she's content just babbling away, sometimes playing with her stuffed animals, or sometimes banging her legs on the mattress or crib. We have a small place so her babbling usually wakes us up in the morning. We've accepted that this is our life where we have to be up before 7am for now. I've heard it gets easier to sleep in when they get older and they can do more things independently.
@fromofold That’s what I’m counting on! Though I’ll say what you’ve described sounds peaceful to me lol! We’re lucky if our guy sleeps past 6 and he’s the wakes up ready to rumble type. 😵‍💫
@carrie1973 My son promptly marches into our room and wakes me up. He will not be deterred until I am out of bed. However, if I get up and sit in the couch and he has a breakfast snack I can fall asleep on the couch for a bit and he will entertain himself
@carrie1973 We have a childproof room and floor bed. When my son was around 10/11 months he figured out how to crawl back into bed himself and fall asleep. Since then we have a lot of days when he just plays by himself either after we put him to bed when he's not sleepy or in the morning after he wakes up. It's absolutely amazing.

Having said that a lot of it also depends on your child's personality!
@walkinwithjesuschrist This. Sounds. Magical. Yeah I think I just have a kid who doesn’t treasure sleep the way I do. 😭😂 And/or we’ve just made ourselves too much of a sleep crutch for him. In any case, y’all are living my sleep/wake dreams! ☺️
@carrie1973 No quite. Ours is a late sleeper so a late waker. She might quietly hand me a bottle from last night, and remain silent while I fill it. Then drink it without making a racket before asking for the iPad. That’s good enough for our purposes.
@carrie1973 She is an extremely relaxed baby. She might whine occasionally but it’s usually when hungry. She’s famous at our medical centre for laughing and playing happily with the nurses after getting her shots.
@carrie1973 I don’t get to snooze in bed, but I can lay on the couch or enjoy my coffee in peace for an hour or so after my 22mo gets up. He just plays around me and comes up for a kiss every now and then.
@carrie1973 Complete black-out, crib, and schedule that allows him enough sleep. If he is sleep deprived he will wake up crying.

He's almost 2 now. Morning behavior depends on how tired he is and what stage he's going through. We had a few weeks of singing and pretend playing with his daycare friends that were the cutest. Recently he's been battling viruses and not sleeping so well so it's more discontented little mutterings while he rolls around, and he'd start complaining bitterly as soon as I walk in.