Does anyone know if r/daddit is coming back?

@commie4christ Here's a sneak peek of /r/dad using the top posts of the year!

#1: Proud dad moment: watching my kid land his F/A-18 on an aircraft carrier. | 28 comments

#2: Baby Sydney arrived this evening at 9lbs even. Momma did great despite thinking we where going to have a c-section then pushing it out, all while finding out that she has Covid! My wife is awesome! | 20 comments

#3: Didn’t know where else to post this but I became a father today! I’m super excited, scared, happy, etc. hope you all have a wonderful new year! | 17 comments

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@kkryry Some mods on a power trip are throwing a fit about reddit because venture capital is no longer willing to subsidize apps used to circumvent ads on Reddit.
@daniel9ds I don't see how people think reddit will pivot. The third party apps owe reddit their existence. Reddit isn't obligated to enable other people's business. I get how people feel but it doesn't make economic sense.
@smclem I listened to a good interview with the Apollo guy today. They aren't trying to keep the API free. It's about how this happened. No discussion, no heads up.

For example Apollo has members paid out for a year on their current costs. If they have to now pay 2 to 3 dollars per month per user it could wipe them out. They've tried to work with reddit but reddit refuses to even discuss it.
Someone commented on here that /r/daddit_new was created, but it got downvoted. I'm assuming it was mods in support of the protest from that mod sub but figured I'd comment it again. Has some posts already.

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