Does anyone else’s kid survive on snacks and snacks only?

@ruanddrew Since mine will only eat "snack" type food I've found ways to make them a little more nutritional. I make her ice cream pops (yogurt, fruits, lil honey and sometimes heavy cream or almond milk), she'll eat pb on rice cakes and light cream cheese with cinnamon toast crunch powder seasoning also can't forget the star shaped sprinkles that go on both the cream cheese and pb rice cakes. There is a milk that has more protein in it (Fairlife $$) that I'll use for cereal.
Sometimes she'll eat other things but it's usually what's above along with fruits and eggs.
@ruanddrew Mine is a big snacker. If there's a meal it takes forever because he won't sit for any noticeable amount of time. Today's breakfast took 1.5 hours and was 6 tangerines and a nutri grain bar.
@kbteachem He's starting to want to exercise some control in decision making. So we go through cabinets and the fridge together and he will pick things he wants. And I'll make something to try and fill out some nutrition. That also takes a long time. He might still be munching when it's time for bath.

I'm generally going crazy, so meal times are just added onto the pile of crazy.
@ruanddrew The other day my 3 y/o ate 3 yogurt cups (very specific ones from Trader Joe’s. Any other kind is not acceptable), 4 LARA bars (mini kind), and the “peanut butter” out of the Ritz PB crackers. As long as she gets some protein in her and she’s hydrated enough, it’s a win 🤷🏼‍♀️
@ruanddrew It would be worth bringing up with your paediatrician. It might be the case where extra help is needed or it might not but the paed would be better able to assess that. Yes lots of people have the same experience but if this is going to be an ongoing issue then getting onto it earlier will be better. There’s lots of great ways that dieticians and speech paths can help kids who struggle with picky eating. I’m a paeds nurse and I think what allied health does is like magic, I love them 😂. So many cool tricks (well, interventions 😜). All the best ❤️
@regondifan I have no input because I work with adults but as a speech pathologist I just want to say the admiration and appreciation goes both ways. You people are incredible ❤️
@ruanddrew Almost exclusively, yup. *Sometimes* she'll ask for eggs on rice, chicken curry, spaghetti with meatballs, soup, or mac & cheese. She also loves: fruit, cheese, oatmeal and cereal.

But mostly she likes chicken nuggets, eating only pepperoni off of pizza slices, potato chips (I know I know this is bad), goldfish crackers, graham crackers, donuts, cupcakes, and ice-cream.
@curosalus Honestly I’m amazed that she eats all of those things! My daughter literally says “blegh” to everything even spaghetti! I wanna know who taught her to say that! It’s cute but I’d rather her eat something!

Oh I forgot, she also likes to eat whipped cream 🤦🏼‍♀️ my bright idea as a substitute for real ice cream
@ruanddrew Had this problem. A lot of folks have mentioned things that help if you them to eat at a particular time. For us it’s about nutrition so we worked really hard to find snacks we were okay with. Pickles, carrots and ranch (hummus if we’re lucky), low sugar yogurt, and yeah, some things that are salty carbs. One day they both magically started liking bananas. Sure kid, as many as you want, just put down the gummy bears
@ruanddrew My kid lives off of danimals and bananas and fruit snacks, while this is semi healthy it's been driving us nuts. Granted she's had a cold the last week of so but yeah it can be frustrating. If you're LO is eating healthy snacks take a breath and take that as a win
@ruanddrew There are so many helpful comments here, thank you so much everyone! I feel like such a failure as a mother when my son doesn’t eat a balanced diet. It really makes it easy to deal with to hear how common it is for toddlers to be so picky.
@ruanddrew I was literally in the process of thinking about what to write in a post about this. I’m at such a loss! Mine will only eat those squeeze pouches, smoked sausage, shredded cheese, yogurt, yogurt melts and veggie straws/lays chips. No advice, just solidarity and stealing advice from some of these comments. 💜
@ruanddrew Mine only eats fruit purée/smoothie pouches, fruit cups, crackers (sometimes), pretzels, tater tots, and nutritional yeast. On a good day, she will eat baked beans or a specific brand of frozen Mac n cheese. 🥲
@ruanddrew Im a bit rigid about food with my toddler. I just give him the ultra healthy organic no sugar foods and he eat all bc is the only option. If he doesnt eat, I dont get anxious and give him anything, I just let he eat the healthy ones bc once hes really hungry, he'll eat.
Not trying to be bitch, just telling how I do and that this works, you just need keep going and dont let him control you.