Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

@christfollower1993 The mod was a little problematic. She had her username hidden for that group but since she also mods r/breastfeedingsupport I was able to look her up. Looks like she hasn't been online much lately.
@strange1 She was massively problematic tbh. I quit that sub and was sad about it because I am a scientist and specifically wanted the scientific perspective in parenting. But as a working mom I couldn’t get behind the weird hostility for example to daycare, that was not grounded in sound research.
@runaway887 Yup! She went bananas on me because she was bullying some other folks and I said so. She permabanned me and then harassed me through DMs because I told her she was being rude and banning anyone who disagreed with her. It was over something she posted to multiple subs, got answers she didn’t like, went bananas on everyone and then deleted.
@angelod I bet she was the one who permabanned me from breastfeeding support for a stupid reason (imo). As a mother who has breastfed 3 children beyond age 2 and loves supporting women in their breastfeeding journeys. Guess because I disagreed in one post my perspective was no longer valid 🙃
@lionheartiv I wish I could copy and paste my last comment to show you how benign it was, but between me being banned and the group going private it looks like I can’t find anything.

I don’t get into online fights, it’s 100% not worth my time. I was genuinely something like “I know I’ll get banned for saying this, but making an entire post to complain about other users is bullying. Sorry that you didn’t get the answer you wanted, but please stop banning anyone who disagrees with you.”

Then, ban! And relentlessly harassed in my dms. Like the only person who’s dm’ed me on reddit at all. Truly wild.
@runaway887 I left that sub due to its really weird attitudes on working moms and daycare. Whenever that study came up, nobody wanted to discuss the issues with how it was conducted, even though it was perfectly acceptable to do so with other studies.
@andrew1221 I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one who found that subreddit really really weird. I liked a lot of the discussion but then it would just go off the rails wrt to daycare and working moms. Something felt really ‘off’ about it, they paraded that bizarre anonymous medium post around like gospel and it felt like legitimate criticism would get ignored
@runaway887 I am SO happy to hear that her sub was shut down.

I tell this story whenever the sub comes up other places, but she created that sub specifically because she got mad at people in another sub because she was shaming other moms for using formula.

She once said "I guess fed is better than dead" to a mom who was struggling with breastfeeding and a ton of people told her that wasn't okay....so she went and created her own sub.

About 6 months ago she threatened to doxx me to people in her sub for telling this story...I reported her to reddit for harassment. I'm very happy her sub has been taken away from her. She was a huge problem.
@ido100 Jesus Christ, better than dead??? What an absolute weirdo. I was never on the sub but a friend of mine was and as far as I understand, she didn't shut it down. She just hid it. You have to ask her to join and she only lets a very select few in. She probably does a thorough background check 🤣

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