Did anyone’s baby sleep an insane amount after 4 month shots?


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LO got her 4 month shots yesterday morning at 9am. She took super long naps yesterday (very unlike her) and slept 12.5 hours at night (this part is kind of normal). She’s usually a great night sleeper and terrible napper.

Today, she seems so tired and her first nap which is usually 30-40 minutes long has been going on for 2.5 hours. I’m assuming she needs the rest and this is normal? We’d never let her sleep for more than 2 hours at a time during the day in any other case but I feel like we should in this case?

Did anyone else have this experience?
@rohanakumara My baby has his 4m shots next week and from what I’ve read on here (I’ve been searching posts about it) it’s wicked normal to sleep a ton!! A lot more normal to have a reaction to the 4m than the 2m ones it seems.

Side question; is there a specific reason you don’t let her sleep longer than 2hrs during the day?? Our guy sleeps however long he wants whenever, just wondering if there’s a reason you don’t 😁
@rohanakumara I’ve seen ‘the better the daytime naps the better the nighttime sleep’ 🤣 ah I don’t think it matters much anyways, baby sleep sucks most of the time!! I don’t think our guys ever slept past 2hrs but I’ve never tracked!
@rohanakumara My baby had his 4-month shot yesterday. He's currently sleeping, which is unusual for him during the day. Plus, he's eating well today! Overall, I'm thrilled. Feeding him used to be a daily struggle, but today he's doing great! o_O What in the world is going on ? Lol
@rohanakumara This happened for us at the 2 month shots. We got the best night sleep we had since they were born 😂 hoping for the same after 4 month shots. As long as they are getting fed often enough just let them sleep!

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