Daily Chat 9/6/14 Starving Saturday and Baby Watch: DwK Edition

Food of the weekend is soup. Still eating on the awesomeness Hubs made for me. :) Once that's gone I'll probably make a big pot of regular chicken soup--the one thing I learned from my dad how to cook. I've got brownies made (they feel surprisingly good on my throat) and a dwindling supply of tea. Don't let me forget to pick more up when I'm at the store.
@jacknife Sounds tasty.

I'm really looking forward to all the fall soups and chilies that are right around the corner. Yum.

ETA: That tea looks so good! Don't forget it while you're shopping :)
@jacknife So my preggo guilt food is taco bell...I know it's bad - but I can't help it! Also had some yummy japanese ramen tonight. In other news, we had another gender scan in which baby was crossing legs and covering genitals with both hands! From the shots we got the tech still thinks it's a girl, but we will be going back at 17 weeks to confirm :)

Also, announced on facebook - felt somewhat weird...but the news is now out!

Best wishes to DwK, can't wait to see everyone start graduating :)
@jacknife Lately I'm craving everything lol. When someone mentions something on here I immediately want it. Only a few things in the fridge because we haven't gone shopping yet. SO really wants spaghetti so we'll pick up the stuff for that this weekend.
@katrina2017 It's a good thing you stayed away from the chat last night! I'm pretty sure 90% of the conversation I was present for involved someone mentioning food and everyone wanting it.
@jacknife We're still eating food the neighbors bring over or eating out with family, and I drink 3-4 cups of raspberry leaf tea a day.

I have had the worst heartburn I've ever had in my life this week so tums are also a big part of my current diet. Can't sleep without them.

I'm so excited for DwK's update! I love that CBB babies are now arriving
@jacknife Shopping for stroller! Picked it up today, a Silver Cross Wayfarer. Super stoked with it :D Wish I was eating something but ice actually already had breakfast, brunch, lunch and some chocolate for afternoon tea so now I'm not hungry for dinner.
@asuheel24 I have the same pram :D it's so good! Only problem is the basket is hard to put things in and out of with the bassinet in. But other than that it's just brilliant, so manoeuvrable and easy to use. And so pretty! What colour did you get?