Daily Chat 9/6/14 Starving Saturday and Baby Watch: DwK Edition

@jacknife I made fried carnitas tacos with a side of Mexican rice for my husband. I only had room for one :( Now I want a bowl of Lucky Charms :) Mmmmm...Lucky Charms...
@jacknife The most important thing in my fridge right now is Peanut Butter M&Ms! As an australian they are a very special treat, so I'm a happy happy pregnant lady!!
@jacknife I am so excited for douches!

As for me? I don't have much in my fridge right now, DH and I both ate out a lot this week because we were rushing around getting the house ready for my two besties to arrive today. Tonight we are having a girls night (mani/pedis, dinner, and some shopping) then tomorrow is my baby shower. I took Monday and Tuesday off from work so I will probably go food shopping then. Lately I have only been craving sweets. Donuts, cake, cookies....yep I ate them all last week and paid for it when I went to the doctor's on Thursday and he told me to watch my calories because I gained 5 pounds between week 27 and 29. Jokes on the doctor though because I weighed myself yesterday and I was down 3 lbs so it was just water retention. I should start scheduling my appointments for the morning when I weigh less. Haha
@katrina2017 Lol cheerful is right...I probably should have said her full user name or DWK lol. But I do have a phone that hates me. It always auto corrects the most simple words to something stupid..even if the word is spelled correctly it will change it to another random word that doesn't even make sense. Haha
@katrina2017 I panicked when I first saw you response because I always call people douchebags - classy I know. Haha I was like OMG did it change it to douchebag and I didn't notice. Lmao