can i just block my coparent? i can’t take this anymore

@intend Set boundaries and do not budge. Don't verbally say them more than once, use actions only. Ignore the calls and texts that are not focused on the child, set time limits and stick to them. Don't allow any flexibility on the time frames you allow. Send 1 text, explain the time at which he can see/speak to the child via a co-parenting app. Give the other parent a 5 min warning and then hang up regardless of what is said to you. Actions always speak louder than words and you must keep self control. Send 1 text at a set interval to explain any changes/advancements/doctor visits/life events. Document everything! Let him hang himself. And most importantly? And it's important that you do this, don't over react or argue. And never respond to any text that isn't directly about the child. You have control. Just breathe. In time, when it is necessary for a custody agreement, if you can prove the other parent is a bad parent, you will keep the upper hand and you want this simply to protect the child. Set boundries and don't budge. It'll take sometime but I think you'll notice 1 of 2 things start to happen. Either the other parents behavior will change in a healthy way or they will disappear. Do not try to make the parent stay around for the child. You are only responsible for yourself. It's up to them to keep their place in the child's life in a healthly way. When you eventually make it to court, following all of these suggestions will cover you. Right now? It's you they are interested in. Not the child.
@intend I’ve been in a situation where I just wanted to block my ex but my lawyer advised against it so no blocking. I would highly encourage you to go through the court system to get something in writing.

If you’re absolutely against it then work on setting boundaries with her. Calls should be during your child’s normal waking hours so stop waking up the baby for her. Since the baby is only two I’d say 2 calls a week should be enough. Give your coparent days and time that work for you and only pick up the calls on those dates and times.

If you or her can’t seem to agree on using a parenting app then move everything to email unless it’s an emergency. She’ll probably not like it at first so just be firm and if she can’t seem to respect those boundaries then definitely go through the court system.
@intend Definitely, I did and there are some apps you can use independently to help control communication. I used coparenter independently than had our family wizard court ordered… then coparent had every “technical” issue possible with ofw so now we use AppClose and haven’t had an issue
@intend Get OFW - only communication via this app. Tell her you will only communicate via OFW. Then yeah -block her. Get a court ordered plan ASAP. Stick to it.
@intend You can do this if you are custodial parent . You cannot do this because she is the mother who is custodial parent by nature . At least in massachusetts . Unless cps or dcf took the child and placed in your custody - Technically you have temporary or emergency custody .

Essentially you can do this and see how it goes . If you think she wont retaliate .

Who ever files first in which the town / city / state they live in , the other party needs to travel and be present for family probate .
I recommend you file first .
@intend I’ve been through this
We have to communicate via an app and I changed my number so him and his family can’t call and text abuse when they want, I turned the calls off the app so it’s only messages