Can anyone share a happy story of formula feeding from Day 1?

@tabbycat11 This might not be exactly what you’re looking for, but hopefully it’ll still be helpful. I didn’t formula feed until my daughter was two weeks old and I regret not giving formula earlier. My daughter’s weight was 4th percentile (length 89th) when she was born and she dropped down to 3rd pretty quickly. Everyone kept telling me that her latch was great and my supply was decent and I was lucky because I had no pain with it. But I hated breastfeeding. My baby would almost instantly fall asleep when she started nursing. She was still at the third percentile and not up to her birth weight yet at 2 weeks. I wasn’t antiformula at all, in fact, I WANTED to formula feed but felt so much external pressure to keep trying to breastfeed. I was so tired of triple feeds and eating and drinking constantly hoping it would help my supply. So when our pediatrician let us know she still hadn’t reached her birth weight at two weeks, that was my excuse to finally try formula. I was hooked and so was my baby!

I LOVED being able to bottle feed without pumping. I loved that she would get more food in her little belly before she’d fall asleep. I loved feeling like my body was finally mine again!

But mostly, I loved that my little girl was finally thriving. When she got as much food as she wanted, she sometime ate 50+ ounces after about 2 months (and took more than 40 a day until she was about 6 months old, now it varies from 32-45). And she finally started growing like she should! She’s almost 8 months old now and for the last few months, has been at the 98th percentile for weight and length (which is what we expected based on both my and my husband’s height and family history (both of us and all our siblings were similarly sized). She loves her bottles and gets so excited when we shake the bottle and say “mix mix mix mix mix mix mix” in an excited, sing-songy tone!

Looking back at videos and pics of her first few weeks, I feel terrible guilt that I didn’t give her formula earlier. She looks so small and hungry. And shes showing hunger cues in every single one. But in reality, I was doing the best I could and I learned from the things I wish I did differently. If we have another, I’ll base my decision to BF or FF on what I and my baby need at the time. But I’ll certainly supplement with formula from the very beginning if I don’t EFF.

I hope you so what’s best for you!!

ETA: I also want to say that I did feel a lot of guilt at first for switching primarily to formula. But that guilt was quickly squashed when I paused and actually thought about the situation and how I was feeling. My experience being a parent is that lot of times it feels like the guilt comes from all angles. Feeling guilt is actually okay (though not fun to experience), as long as you make a point to challenge it.
@tabbycat11 I wanted to try breast feeding but wasn't making enough. After the first day we switched to formula in the hospital and he took to it great. It really helped take pressure off of me and it gave a chance for him to bond more with dad as well as my parents. No issues except a few times we had to switch because his kind was out.
@tabbycat11 I combo fed from birth. Baby was a preemie had blood sugar issues and my milk took a week to come in. Breastfeeding sucked 90% of the time and I completely wish I’d just stopped after it became clear I’d never have a full supply. It made me anxious and I felt isolated pumping and constantly worrying about supply. My body was one that hung on to weight when breastfeeding instead of dropping it so I felt even worse about myself. Man. It was rough.

I’ve already discussed with my husband that if we have another baby that I don’t foresee breastfeeding as being the right choice for us.
@tabbycat11 I was 100% formula and I’m fine. If breast feeding HAD to happen the formula wouldn’t be green lighted from the jump. Gotta put your health as 1.b to the baby. If you’re not at your best how can you be your best for the baby yah know? If formula feeding is going to help you physically and mentally then do it and don’t look back! Anyone that wants to shame you for it.. shame on them.
@tabbycat11 My baby never once got the boob. He got no collected colostrum. He had absolutely 0 breast milk.

He was rolling at 4 months
Sitting at 5 months
Crawling at 7 months
And walking at 11 months

He said his first word at 16 months and is now 17 months and has loads of words.

His day care teachers are super impressed with him communication skills and physical ability.

He has been sick 3 times in his life. He got a cold at 8 months old, covid at 9 months and hand foot an mouth at 15 months old.

My husband has a beautiful bond with our son because he was able help with feeds from the absolute beginning. He literally gave our son his first bottle because I was scared, and in shock from an emergency C-section.

I have a beautiful bond with our son and got loads of beautiful snuggles and skin to skin time despite not feeding him.
@tabbycat11 Me, me, meeeeee! I have 3 children. The first 2 are now 10 and 13 and when I had them I tried to BF, I tried really hard, not because I wanted to but because I felt guilty if I didn't (there is so much pressure and guilt tripping out there when it comes to not BFing). I hated it, with a passion. I was miserable, I was sore, I was uncomfortable, it made me feel sick, it hit my mental health hard, my babies were hungry and fussy and people kept telling me that I was doing the right thing, even though I was clearly suffering...... How can that be the right thing?!? Both times I fed them for as long as I could before having a breakdown moment and switching to formula which both times felt like my saviour and such a relief and it changed both experiences from negative to positive. I have just had a 3rd child in my 40's and with age, experience and confidence behind me I have been unapologetically team formula from the minute I found out that I was pregnant..... Them- 'Are you going to breastfeed?'.... Me- 'Nope'.... Them- 'Aw well, don't worry/feel guilty about it'..... Me- 'I wasn't and I don't, not even one tiny bit but thanks for your input' 😊 I have shut every bit of negativity down before they had the chance to offer it by coming straight off the bat with 'I am frimly and unapologetically formula feeding from day one, my body, my baby, my chioce'...... And I have loved every single second of feeding this baby (now 11 weeks). Her weight is perfect, she's happy and she's healthy and so am I and that is all that matters and honestly if you don't give people the space to make you feel guilty more often than not they don't even try. Best of luck and remember that there is no guilt or shame in feeding your baby however you feed your baby xx
@tabbycat11 Currently giving my LO a bottle as I read / write this. We bottle fed from the beginning. They give you like similac something or other in the hospital, in these little one time use bottles. I didn’t know that cause I originally planned a home birth and ended up being transferred which sucked. Anyway we started using bubs goat milk infant formula after we got home. Baby had no issues switching as it had only been 3 or 4 days. Baby loves the formula and how that we’re at 7 weeks old, most of the instances of stuck gas / poops have stopped. I have those frida windi sticks and haven’t had to use one in a while. Baby loves the bottle. I did do one colostrum feed a couple days after getting home but that was partly just out of curiosity to see if I’d hate it as much as I thought I would. Spoiler alert, I did, it was deeply unpleasant lol

We’re thriving over here! Baby is growing and loves the bottle and I love that my husband can take early morning feeds so I can sleep in a little after being up a lot during the night. He loves being able to do so too and it’s great being able to just wash bottles and not a whole bunch of pumping equipment etc

I order the formula on Amazon and get a discount that way and don’t have to worry about whether it’s in stock at a store or not, although the local Meijer I used to live near did have it albeit overpriced … we moved though and don’t have one nearby anymore so I just order online. You can get the completion discount on up to 10 cans if you add it to your Amazon baby registry and you can get the same 15% off if you do subscribe & save.
@tabbycat11 I knew I would formula feed my baby while I was pregnant. I attempted to pump and nothing came out ever, so I was happy with my choice. It’s so convenient to make a bottle and not clean/transport/maintain pump parts. I was open to help and I could get sleep while I was still getting the ropes of being a new mom. Sleep and good help is 🔑! My little 15 month old is thriving and is getting stronger by the day! No regrets!
@tabbycat11 I went from breastfeeding to exclusive pumping pretty quick..and about three weeks in, I switched to formula. EP was taking a huge toll on my mental health and sleep, so I switched, and immediately started to feel better. Fed is best and also, so is a happy mama.
@tabbycat11 So my son was born 6 weeks ago. I tried to breastfeed but was having issues. I ended up giving him a bottle of formula the day after arriving home from the hospital. The amount of relief I felt was unexplainable when he took to the bottle immediately. Ever since then he has been “combo feeding” with whatever I pump out, but he is primarily on formula. I always thought I would breastfeed. But now I’m realizing it’s not easy and not always attainable for people. Do what is best for you. My son is happy and thriving!
@tabbycat11 My baby is one and a half weeks old and I formula fed from day 1 and I am so happy with my decision. I struggle with anxiety and had a feeling I'd be worried about how much she's eating, what I'm eating, etc etc and formula feeding just seemed way more beneficial to my mental health from the start. My husband is already such a hands on Dad and loves feeding her. We're able to take turns during the night feeding her, plus he did all the overnight feeds her first night since I didn't sleep at all the night before when I was in labor. We're lucky in the aspect that the formula I picked agrees with her stomach and she really likes it. But we have a good system down with feeding her and cleaning the bottles and everything in between and I feel so at ease. Not one ounce of regret
@tabbycat11 My wife tried to BF from day one but she didn't latch and she didn't get production right away and we went right to formula. It made it easier on her as well so I could take feedings. She's now almost 3 going on 30
@tabbycat11 I'm doing mixed breastfeeding and formula feeding. My 4 week old has had formula top ups since day 1 in the hospital. When we came home I was almost exclusively breastfeeding, and wondered why the hell she was getting 'overtired' and not settling. Turns out my boobs weren't producing enough milk and I was basically starving her. She wasn't gaining enough weight and the community healthcare nurse recommended I give her a bottle of formula on top of breastfeeding. Has worked wonders- she's no much easier to settle now!
@tabbycat11 I can’t give you day one but I can give you day 5 forward. I really tried to breastfeed but it was not in the cards for me. The best day for me and kiddo was the day I decided to quit and go formula only. It was the best decision I could have had. I no longer cried while trying to feed my child. I watched the bottle as the mixture was gobbled up and she was completely milk drunk. I knew she was fed. I knew she was content I knew she was happy. The best part of that was I KNEW. I will support any mom who what’s to breastfeed but I will also cheer on any mom that understands that as long as baby eats whatever mom needs to do for her to make sure baby is fed then that’s what needs to be done.

Momma don’t let anyone tell you that formula from day one is bad you do what’s best for you and baby.