Calories burned


New member
I know that pregnancy itself does not burn many extra calories during the first trimester. But is it possible that I am burning many more calories during exercise and other activity than before I was pregnant? I ask this because I have not gained any weight yet (9+0) despite some days of eating way over my caloric needs. I base these numbers on the assumption that I’m burning about the same calories during exercise I did previously. But I’m beginning to think I’m burning more.
@asp510 Obligatory “I am not a doctor and this is only anecdotal”!

I’m pretty sure you’re right on the burn: I’m at 10+4 right now, seeing a micro-bump, and weighing the least I have in 2 years. I’ve had some ongoing nausea, but am still eating good amounts for my build (and a lot of it has been eggo waffles 😝), yet I’ve gone from 129lb to 125lb.

My doctor says it’s fine and normal, and the weight will come back with interest in the second trimester, but the only way I can understand that this would happen is a caloric deficit. I’d been trying to drop those 4-5lbs for 6 months, and the only thing that made an impact is growing a tiny human. (Of course, now I really want those pounds back, just due to nerves!)
@asp510 I'm at 20 weeks this week. I gained a total of 4 lbs in the first trimester. I didn't experience any morning sickness or really any symptoms at all, aside from increased appetite and breast tenderness. By increased appetite, I mean that I was constantly hungry. I ended up adding a fourth meal per day (typically a protein shake in the middle of the afternoon). I was definitely burning a ton of calories because I only gained 4 lbs in the whole 14 weeks and was definitely exceeding my pre-pregnancy food intake. I worked out 3-4 days per week and pretty much just ate when I got hungry. This is my first pregnancy, so my strategy is not to be too concerned with weight unless my doctor says I need to gain/lose more.
@katrina2017 Same. I’m happy with my weight as long as my doctor is happy. And I’m right in line currently where they told me to be. I am just surprised by the amount of food that I can eat without gaining. How much I weigh isn’t obviously a priority to me right now. I’m not concerned about it. It’s just that hearing that you shouldn’t gain in the first tri and that you shouldn’t increase your calories either, I was surprised. I really do believe it’s from the amount I’m burning in my normal workouts. They just feel SO hard nowadays. I know I’m exerting more energy than before.

I’m also, like you, eating an extra snack (but really it’s meal size quantity) during the day. And I’ve been waking up so hungry at night and occasionally eating a bowl of cereal or something then too. And on top of that I know my dinner portions have been bigger too. Crazy stuff.
@asp510 "What to Expect When You're Expecting" says to expect to gain 4-6 lbs in the first trimester. A lot of women don't gain that much because some are a little overweight to begin with and some lose weight because they get so sick and can't keep food down.

You sound just like me in the first trimester! Working out was so exhausting because of the fatigue and just getting hungry all the time. I got sick of eating. I'd eat a full meal for dinner and be hungry enough for another full meal like 2 hrs later. I typically had a snack before bed, but if I woke up in the middle of the night, I'd be too hungry to fall back asleep. I'm definitely a lot less hungry and less tired in the second trimester though!
@asp510 I think the rule of thumb for calories during pregnancy is we need an additional 300 calories a day. So if you’re tracking your calories and haven’t increased them by that number at least, that might be the issue.
@onelostsoul My midwife said the same thing but I was eating at such a deficit she ended up wanting me on an “extra” 800 calories per day (I was eating 1200 per day pre-pregnancy and she wanted me at maintenance, not a deficit). I think that’s important to consider too!
@jconfused Oh yes that’s a super good point! I should say then- Additional is on top of the calories that would be needed to maintain your weight. If you were previously at a deficit, you need to increase to maintenance level!
@onelostsoul Aaaaand in my case even if you’re eating at maintenance you’ll still gain a chunk of weight from that first trimester of only being able to eat carbs after not eating carbs for a year. 😂 It’s a journey of accepting the changes that happen as they come and knowing your baby is doing what he or she needs to grow healthy...I’ve gotta remind myself of this often!
@jconfused Saaaaaaaaaame dude. Same. I was up 15lbs by the end of the first tri. (Extreme hunger, increased to maintenance and sometimes more, intense food aversions to anything healthy). And now at 24+4 I’m up like 27 lbs 😥 actually busted out my old glucometer (from hypoglycemia ironically), and pretty sure I’m gonna turn up with GD. It’s been driving me nuts- I’m gaining like crazy, in spite of weighing all my food and having a Fitbit with HR tracking for activity. I violate the laws of thermodynamics, lol!
@onelostsoul I too am gaining like crazy. Honestly I haven’t been tracking my weight because mentally it’s been a mindfuck for me, but I’ll be weighed tomorrow at my appointment and am wrestling with whether or not to look. Last appointment I was up 30lbs (21 weeks)—but it was 6:30pm and after a massive Hawaiian plate lunch and a quart of water. Plus I was taking water pills which I quit the second I found out I was pregnant which I’m sure added on water weight. I think I look good and my doctor hasn’t said anything about it and baby is totally healthy and on track. So I’m really focusing on not overdoing it and letting things happen as they may for the sake of this kid. The entire first trimester I couldn’t TOUCH vegetables! They made me puke without fail. Thank god that’s over.
@jconfused Yeah, I’m trying really hard just to do what I can. For me, weighing myself has actually helped more- if I went based on my body changes, I’d assume I’m up at least 40 already, since I no longer fit maternity clothing I bought in my first tri 😥

It does feel so frustrating to be doing everything “right” now and still gaining past recommendations.
@onelostsoul Yes!! I’m also 5’4” so I feel like a whale. I haven’t been able to get into the gym as much as I’d like but I’m making an effort to walk a bit and hopefully I’ll be able to get back on the exercise bikes soon.

I should add I also have hashimotos and as expected pregnancy has totally thrown my thyroid levels for a loop which I’m sure isn’t helping!
@jconfused Oh man yeah fighting thyroid stuff would definitely not help! My wild card was that I was on cabergoline for a prolactinoma, and went off with my positive. Apparently there’s some interplay with those meds and a rebound serotonin and leptin response? So it’s possible my insane appetite first trimester was a med rebound effect. 🤷‍♀️ sometimes it feels like a total uphill battle to stay as healthy as I can!
@jconfused I also have Hashimotos and I agree, it’s thrown me for a loop as well!! Through keto and intermittent fasting a year or so before pregnancy I was able to come off of my thyroid meds after like 16 years on them. I was shocked that my TSH shot up to 8.5 the first trimester, I really thought I’d lose my peanut but she’s still thriving and my levels have decreased. Thanks to my lovely thyroid I feel like a freaking whale at 16 weeks and my face is puffy thanks to the synthroid. Everyone keeps saying since it’s my second trimester I must be feeling sooo good and have soooo much energy. 🙄 I feel like a sloth, tbh. I’m trying to be more mindful of exercise but it’s tough some days lol
@onelostsoul I had the same problem. What really helped me is eating as unprocessed as possible, mostly fruits and veggies. It really fills you up, healthy and low caloric density so you can eat a lot.
@sfender Well, first trimester I couldn’t. I had such, such intense food aversions. I definitely am eating tons of fruits and veg now, but it’s still not enough to bring me into normal gain rates. And I’m literally weighing everything- I know for SURE I’m not even hitting my calorie recommendations when I eat to hunger right now! When I eat to hunger, it’s right at maintenance, no additional calories for second tri.
@sfender I mean, I think so. But I also don’t have any edema on shins, hands, feet, not even trace. I could stand to drink more I suppose, but who couldn’t haha.