Baby is 1 and a half and I haven’t had a period yet. Anyone else? Does it have to do with nutrition?

@olivemcr My little one is 2 months old and I haven’t gotten mine either. I hope that when it does come back it isn’t super heavy (before little one it usually only lasted about 3-4 days).

Edit: lol I get scared reading all these posts because I don’t want mine to come for awhile
@olivemcr Totally normal. It’s hormonal, especially since baby is nursing frequently day and night. Most likely your body is working fine, this is “nature’s birth control.”
@olivemcr I got mine back nine months pp! It was a blessing tbh. My SIL has four kids and on the dot she gets hers back at 18 months pp.

It’s a hormonal thing and it just sounds like your body is just taking its sweet time. I honestly didn’t mind 18 months (pregnancy and postpartum) or not having a period, but when it came back I was actually excited. I felt like me again!
@olivemcr My son dropped his 1 motn feed at 11 months. I got my first pp period the next month. He still fed during the day but he started shortening and dropping is day feeds. We slooowly weaned over a 6 month period. I stopped pumping at work at 16 months pp. He officially weaned himself at 18 months and that's the first time I've ovulated since getting pregnant with him. My cycles have officially regulated at 18 months pp.
@olivemcr With my first, mine didn’t come back until 15 months when I was completely done nursing. I had also lost weight below pre pregnancy and I think that had something to do with it as well. Once I was done nursing, I gained 7lbs and got my period lol
@olivemcr I just want to say how jealous I am. I have been exclusively breastfeeding my baby, as well as donating extra milk and I got the stupid thing back at 6 weeks postpartum.

I hadn’t even finished healing from the tearing i suffered during delivery.

Absolutely ridiculous.
@olivemcr Mine didn’t come back until I weaned. Just a heads up though that no period doesn’t necessarily mean you aren’t ovulating and you could potentially get pregnant! It’s unlikely but not 0.
@olivemcr Not as long PP for me, just 15 weeks, but still nothing. When I had my 6 week PP visit with the gynecologist she made it seem that I would get it back any day now.
@olivemcr Actually this is how I was diagnosed with PCOS. still no period after weaning and then found out something else was going on. I do hear this is commin for sone folks though so you could just be lucky
@olivemcr I formula fed my first so it was back at 6 weeks postpartum. I got the iud and it stopped for months until it fell out 9 months postpartum. That's when I decided to try for my second, and they are 19 months apart. My Best friend is due in May and her son turned 2 in December. She didn't ovulate until she fully weaned, but conceived fast after having her first period.

On the other hand, my aunt has 9 kids all back to back, and she breastfed all of them and many of the kids were conceived before she even had a period. She was always EBF and never used formula so I know it isn't just cut and dry with how breastfeeding affects everyone.
@g_jio Yeah, same. I live in a country where many people use formula, so I’m aware that breastfeeding isn’t stopping those people from ovulating. But it’s nuts the range for breastfeeding mothers… I feel kind of bad for the moms who get it back immediately. Like I said, I had some issues with supply in the beginning. I’ve heard menstruation can lower your supply, so I’m glad I didn’t have to deal with that added stress.