Baby is 1 and a half and I haven’t had a period yet. Anyone else? Does it have to do with nutrition?

@olivemcr My little one is 2 months old and I haven’t gotten mine either. I hope that when it does come back it isn’t super heavy (before little one it usually only lasted about 3-4 days).

Edit: lol I get scared reading all these posts because I don’t want mine to come for awhile
@olivemcr I got mine back nine months pp! It was a blessing tbh. My SIL has four kids and on the dot she gets hers back at 18 months pp.

It’s a hormonal thing and it just sounds like your body is just taking its sweet time. I honestly didn’t mind 18 months (pregnancy and postpartum) or not having a period, but when it came back I was actually excited. I felt like me again!
@olivemcr My son dropped his 1 motn feed at 11 months. I got my first pp period the next month. He still fed during the day but he started shortening and dropping is day feeds. We slooowly weaned over a 6 month period. I stopped pumping at work at 16 months pp. He officially weaned himself at 18 months and that's the first time I've ovulated since getting pregnant with him. My cycles have officially regulated at 18 months pp.