Baby hates being in a baby carrier


New member
My 3 month old baby hates all 3 baby carriers I have which include the solly wrap, the k’tan and the ergo embrace. I’ve been trying to wear her since she was born and she fusses each time. Ironically she wants me to carry her in an upright position all the time. Unfortunately my neck and back are killing me and I wish I had the support of a carrier to give my aching body a break. Out of desperation I bought a Happy Baby OG today on eBay since many moms have suggested this one when all else fails!
@weakservant Does she fuz or full blown cry? For how long does she do that? Is she fed and changed?

It's normal for babies to fuzz or even cry when being put into the carrier. Sssshhhhh and bouncing and pats on the back can help. 5 minutes is not a long time but 5 minutes can feel like 30 minutes. It also often help to go outside almost right after putting the baby in the carrier and walk around.
@pashapotte This!

My son (2 months) all of a sudden seemed to not like being in a wrap. He would fuss and so I took him out pretty quickly. One day I decided to give it more time (because mama needed to get crap done lol) and he was fine eventually.
@weakservant At 3 months they may be at the weight where all of the carriers you mentioned start to get uncomfortable for both mom and baby. We had to stop any soft wraps like that at around 15lbs even though the weight limit is higher it just isn’t comfortable anymore.
When you get the happy baby in the mail post a fit check!
@weakservant How long does she fuz for ? Even tho mine loves it, there are time in which she will get very fussy and I just need to go for a walk or be very active for couple of minutes to have her settle down
@weakservant If you're just wearing baby in the house at the moment, try going for a walk outside. Usually 10-15 minutes settles them right down as they like the rhythmic movement
Thanks for the recommendations. I’m going to see how the Happy Baby OG carrier works out. I’ll post an update and a fit check in a few days.
@weakservant My baby hated the wrap I had at that age, too. She was an early-developer in terms of upper body control, so as soon as I could put her world-facing with her legs free, she was a happy camper. My baby has always hated her legs being contained (she wouldn't tolerate swaddles, sleep sacks, etc.) so the early stage wrapping styles that contained her legs were just a giant "nope" for her.
@weakservant Following along because mine is the same way. I have an ErgoBaby (not sure which one, it was gifted) and a Koala BabyCare one. Sometimes I can get her to nap in it… but not often. If I sit for even a moment she will wake and cry.
@ladybug96 I empathize. Babies are such hard work. 😔 My 3-month-old has decided that he now hates the carrier after we’ve gone on plenty of walks in that same carrier before he turned 3 months. I feel like 3 months is a difficult age.
@weakservant It’s exactly the same situation here! Since day one our baby wanted to be carried up right and see everything. Our baby hates the carrier and literally cries, with no chance for calming down. I feel that! I hope you can find a solution that works for you. You are not on your own! 🤍
Ok update! I got the Happy Baby carrier and my baby is cool with it! She doesn’t cry if fuss. She will even let Dad wear her too! Yay! So happy! I’ll post a fit check once I take some photos.