Anyone with postpartum preeclampsia or preeclampsia have low milk supply?


New member
I ended up getting postpartum preeclampsia. Baby was born 6 weeks ago. I have been really struggling with my supply since day 1, no matter how often i pump (8-10x a day 25-30 mins each), i just cant get my supply up! I average about 40 ml per session, but sometimes it goes as high as 120 ml (not often at all), if it's a morning pump... my supply dwindles throughout the day though and it just goes lower and lower somehow.. (do these numbers sound low to you? they seem very low to me). we supplement with formula and the baby is healthy. but it's soo frustrating to invest soo much time and money and energy into pumping for such little output. I feel sad and stressed that i'm missing out on special bonding moments with my daughter... every time we're in the middle of a special moment, i have to go run to the pump & my husband takes over. i'm basically the pump's bitch at this point. it's just sad that i can't spend an entire freaking day with my daughter. i try and schedule my pumps so that they happen when she's sleeping but it doesn't always work out that way. i dont know.. i just feel like my bonding is being effected, but yet, i'm not willing to give up because i have already put so much time and energy into it that i would just feel like a failure if i quit now.

how do those of you with low milk supply cope? Also does anyone else with preeclampsia or postpartum preeclampsia have low supply? somehow i did not know that it could cause a low supply until 2 days ago when i saw it on mayo clinic!! I wish i had known this sooner as i have been trying to figure out wtf i cant make more for 6 weeks now- my ob never even mentioned that this could be a factor.

TLDR; I'm tired of pumping and making so little-- wondering a.) is this truly low supply given how often and the quantity i'm pumping b.) I'm sad i have to run to the pump every 2 hrs instead of just having long stretches of uninterrupted bonding time with my daugher -- hasnt even happened once since she was born -- anyone else have this problem and how do you cope? quitting just seems hard to me at this point c.) anyone with preeclampsia or postpartum pre-e have a low milk supply? (did you have pre -e or postpartum pre-e? for context)
@mortuary My wife had postpartum pre-e and had very low supply immediately after birth. Our baby is also a very hungry baby that is on the high end of the intake spectrum. We supplemented with formula starting from 3 days after birth. She pumped a LOT, both directly after feedings and between feedings. The LC recommended renting a hospital pump while building supply, and making sure that breasts were emptied/soft at the end of each feeding/pumping. For a long time, she never pumped more than 90 ml in a session.

It was hell for a long time but it has gotten better, and she is able to satisfy baby at the breast with maybe 120-240ml of EBM for the entire day and no formula, pumping 2-3 times per day.

She also tried some supplements: Legendairy Milk Liquid Gold and Holistic Lactation. No idea how important they were. And she is very deliberate about drinking a ton of water throughout the day, especially while nursing.
@mortuary I had post partum preclampsia and didn't know that it could effect milk supply either. I am a mama who literally makes just enough for my LO. We also supplement with formula at times. I know for me the two hour pump sessions just didn't work for me at all. I pump every four hours and that works for me. I also made some lactation cookies and I have noticed an increase in my supply. I've been getting the same amount every time I pump. Prior to making the cookies, I would get varying amounts now it's more consistent 3oz per breast. I hope this helps.
@mortuary Take a look at 'power pumping' it was a real game changer for me. It took about a week to see results but now exclusively breast feeding at 4 months with a good supply. Some say that the mother drinking oat milk can help. Having baby remove the milk direct from the breast can be more effective than the pump, if that is an option for you-no judgement, of course, if not.

Edit: to say I didn't have pp eclampsia but hope this might help anyways
@mortuary I got diagnosed with pre-e in the recovery room. I was on magnesium so that I would avoid complications, which is said to lower supply. My milk came in on time but I have always been a “just enougher.” I would check when he was done eating and there wasn’t much leftover. My suggestion would be to put your baby to breast as much as possible. Have her eat from you and top off with formula if she seems hungry immediately after nursing. If it’s like 30 min after, try the breast again. Milk removal is what triggers milk production.
@torros48 Thanks for your response... how did you get your supply up to a normal level? Are you able to ebf directly at breast now?

Yea my supply came in about 3-4 days pp, and it was probably because i religiously pumped. I still have been religiously pumping, but i definitely think this supply issue has to do with the pre-e. i was also on magnesium post delivery... and then had another mag drip 7 days after when my bp flared up. had to take labetalol for a month.