Anyone stop running first trimester due to fatigue only?

@donjackitasy Girl, yes. I was really adamant on pushing through in the first tri (many days I did) but there were some days I legit physically couldnā€™t. Iā€™d try and it would fatigue me emotionally/mentally. Iā€™d go for a lonnnnng walk with an iced coffee (summer) or nap instead. Push yourself if you want but not to more exhaustion, you know what I mean?
@donjackitasy I ran a 15K race 10 days after I found out I was pregnant and then I completely stopped from running weeks 8 through 15. I started doing more low-impact activity around week 12-13 and after a couple weeks of that I started up again at week 16. Your body is already doing plenty building a whole new human while keeping you alive!
@donjackitasy Yep I've been training for a 20 mile race, at around 5/6 weeks I managed 18 miles okay, but the following week putting one foot in front of the other was tough! Had to cut both frequency and distance of my runs through sheer exhaustion, but I'm now 14 weeks and I've just completed the 20 miles. Absolutely no way I'd have been able to do that even 2 weeks ago, the fatigue seems to have passed just in time.
@donjackitasy Very similar!! Pre pregnancy I weightlifted 4x a week and rode Peloton 3-4x a week. Throughout pregnancy I hated my peloton and had no interest in cardio at all lol. I just honoured it, I did stick with weight lifting and still craved that! I also started rotating something different as a 5th day (a class: barre, Pilates, yoga). Added in pelvic floor physio work instead of cardio on some days!
@donjackitasy Yes Iā€™m right there with you at week 9 right now. Completely gassed and my already bigger chest has ballooned and hurts like a teenager all over again so no running for me right now. I miss it but have been supplementing with rows (yay sitting) and walking at an incline. Listen to your body!
@donjackitasy I was in bed a lot of the first trimester, definitely not running. I got back to running and exercise in the second trimester, then had to stop again in the third. First and third trimester are difficult, the second trimester gives you a little break in-between lol
@donjackitasy Iā€™ve been a runner all of my life and at the beginning of the year, I found it INCREDIBLY difficult to run more than 20 mins at a 9 min paceā€¦ I was 5 weeks pregnant at the time but didnā€™t know. Once I knew, I started running at a much slower/doable pace.

I have several mental health ā€œdisordersā€ where physical exercise is just one of those things that is a non-negotiable. Iā€™m 11 weeks and Iā€™ve been incredibly blessed to not have nausea but the fatigue is REAL. I try going to the gym 4-5 times a week and I workout for 30-40 min max. Itā€™s a struggle getting myself to the gym (thankfully I have a partner that pushes me) but once Iā€™m there, I motivate myself by telling myself ā€œjust 20 minsā€¦ā€ and once Iā€™m passed that 15 min mark I get into it. Plus I get this little endorphin rush and this energy surge afterwards that makes it all worth it. But I will say, sometimes my whole day revolves around preserving my energy for the workout.

Donā€™t shame yourself for not running the entire timeā€¦ walking is great exercise too. I think itā€™s actually underrated. I know at some point Iā€™ll get to the point where Iā€™ll have to give up running, but Iā€™m def going to be walking (if my symptoms allow it of course). Also, I started getting bored of running in the last few weeks so now Iā€™m try to mix it up with strength workouts and group classes (with very light weight modifications).

Hope this helps!
@donjackitasy Iā€™m 8 weeks now and have gone from gymming 5x a week to once if Iā€™m lucky. Had no such trouble with my first, Iā€™ve had Covid 5x (3x last year) and Iā€™ve been blaming that for such a sharp decrease in energy availability. Been sleeping 12hrs a day too.
@donjackitasy I worked out everyday pre-pregnancy (mix of weight lifting and cardio) and just texted my gym at 6 weeks to pause my membership šŸ˜‚ I plan on coming back as soon as I get some energy, but between the fatigue and nausea thereā€™s NO way Iā€™m getting more than a walk in right now. Donā€™t feel guilty at all, itā€™s super normal. Rest up!
@donjackitasy Iā€™m at 8 weeks and I can barely run 3 miles when I used to run 10 every day before work. It feels like my legs are 200 lbs each and Iā€™m constantly taking walk breaks
@donjackitasy I was running before I got pregnant but I stopped after my embryo transfer. Iā€™m almost at 5 weeks and still exercising but Iā€™ve been noticing some knee pain. Itā€™s still very early on for me but I donā€™t see myself running for exercise while pregnant. I got pregnant via IVF and I did notice that running seemed to stress my body more than my other exercises while I was in the process of trying to get pregnant and I want to preserve my joints with lower impact movement.
@donjackitasy Yep! I was training for a half marathon, running 25ish miles/wk when I found out I was pregnant (5wks). I completely stopped from weeks 7ish-11 d/t fatigue and very very mild nausea. Slowly started back as I moved into second trimester, and have ended up running 5ish miles a week since then (now 29wks). All this to say, itā€™s more than okay to rest and you can always start back up later when you feel better!
@donjackitasy Late finding this but damnā€¦ I am EXHAUSTED for 2 days after running 2 or 3 miles when I was running 7 or 8 miles multiple times per week before getting pregnant. Only 6 weeks along and terrified of how tired Iā€™ll be from now on