Anyone in constant state of disbelief or shock that it's taking this long?

@zahrajoi Oh God I'm so sorry... I can't imagine. I had my first fertility clinic appointment last week and my lining was 'a bit thin'. Being a woman is so frustrating. How can it be so complicated??? So many things can go wrong!
@swamidassrajamanickam Thank you. I'm getting there day by day. I have a wonderful and supportive husband, and my family and friends have been fantastic. Hopefully, when this is all over, we can look into adoption/fostering.

Life is very excuse my language... fucking hard!!!
@zahrajoi God! That’s insane. Bless you and I wish you best of luck with your hysterectomy. I’m so angry to read the NHS was incredibly unhelpful in spotting this. I too have heavy, long periods and I’ve wondered recently if I have a thick lining. May I ask if you had any other symptoms of note, looking back?
@dsian Hello love, sorry for the late reply. I didn't have any symptoms! I had an extremely painful first day of my period. They were not heavy and lasted for 5 days. I had spotting around ovulation. I only went for the scan as I was convinced I had endometriosis. I would definitely go back to your doctor and keep pushing. If you can afford it, pay for a private scan. They're a couple of hundred quid. Mine was quite expensive, but I went to Harley Street as I was sick of all the bullshit. It will be the best money you ever spend if you can find out why you're having long, painful periods.
@drobbyb I feel like I wrote this. I am dead inside from this struggle and watching my sister and my friends building their families. Husband is deploying in 2 weeks for 9 months and while we made the choice together to put things on hold until he comes back, it still is such a hard thing to accept. I thought by 31 I'd have a baby. Now if we manage to have one, it won't be until I'm at least 33.
@iso It brings me so much pain to see others grow their families so seamlessly, and not understanding why we can't. I truly can't even recognize myself. It's weird. Nothing about how and who I am right now is who I have been the past 33 years. I never in a million years thought I'd be 33 without a growing family to show for.
@iso Oof. At that point, I’d be tempted to freeze a few samples and try IUI while he’s gone.

I’m sorry it’s taking so long. It sucks watching others build their families and wondering about the future and your ability to do the same.
@jetspice I'm trying to get into the doctor before he leaves to do that but am having an incredibly hard time getting through to them and impressing how important it is because he leaves in 2 weeks.
@drobbyb I do think it's funny how many times I've freaked out about maybe being pregnant when it wasn't planned. Now I'm like, lol why was I scared, it seems pretty impossible to me these days (2.5 years in)
@drobbyb Yes, we've had our first appointment at the fertility clinic last week. While sitting in the waiting room, I thought what the heck, what are you doing here... Are you actually a fertility clinic patient now?

Has your partner had a sperm analysis?
@wantforum I've had same thoughts. "You're telling me I'll have to possibly inject myself to get my body to do something it should just do?"

Yes, he has. Everything looks great on his end. Some sperms clumping together but overall the doctor said he looks great and nothing to worry about due to everything else. Who knows.
@drobbyb My husbands sperm is great, too... I am still waiting for my results... I hope it is something that can be easily fixed, like "high prolactin" or "mild hypothyroidism"...
@wantforum I think that's what is making me feel worse. Like, give me a reason why this could be happening? How could this be for no reason and everything looks great, but we've failed this much?
@drobbyb Yes. Although I haven't been trying nearly as long as a lot of people here. We started trying in January. Thought I'd maybe be pregnant by February and do a cute valentine's day announcement 🤡 then a cute Easter announcement 🤡 then a cute mother's day announcement 🤡 then a cute Father's day announcement 🤡 .... surprise its not gonna happen.
@devzhere Ugh.....I did this same thing. I always saw those cute reveals on social media, and couldn't wait to do it myself. Cycle 1 right away I got cute onesies for my husband to surprise him....I can't remember what cycle, but somewhere along the way I gave up and while sobbing with him just showed it to him. I feel like this journey is such a thief of joy.