Anyone ever experience an off interaction w/ one of your kid’s providers?

@roxchristian I've been through this with practitioners. It's frustrating but there isn't much you can do. Just do what is best for your family.

On the subject of speech delay. BOTH my kids had speech delays. Neither were in a daycare. Honestly, both for speech and behavior, in retrospect, mine could've benefited from a whole lot more socialization. A few hours here and there a couple times a week just wasn't enough and they've struggled socially in school for it. Not saying that WILL happen, but just an anecdote to think about.

At home, talk and sing A LOT! Also sensory activities are great for encouraging speech development! The mesier the better (for them not you lol)
@mark_cb Thanks for sharing your experience. If he continues to be pretty far behind, we probably will have to figure something else out. But, damn, having a kid be developmentally behind is stressful enough!
@roxchristian There are valid reasons for them saying that stuff but vibes are a thing. Listen to your instincts. Maybe give it another try, address what isn’t working for you “can you provide written instructions for us to work on between sessions with actionable items?” is a great way to phrase that.

If things improve, great. If not, you have something concrete to point to when you address it with your case manager, or just leave it as “not a good fit.”

Personally, I have a few pros I don’t love, but they work well with my kid, and we’ve seen improvements. (less a clash with me, more a clash / attitude towards other pros we work with that i don’t appreciate). If I got the vibe that I was being shamed for being a SAHP, i’d be on the phone getting someone else immediately.

I would give it another shot and see how it goes before you act, but it’s very valid to not want to subject yourself or your kid to that.

And speech delays are incredibly common regardless of preschool.
@roxchristian I love my provider but I was very annoyed with all the talk about sleep. Everyone is so obsessed with children's sleep. Obviously they need sleep but I personally won't sleep train. My husband wanted to. I felt like They both ganged up on me. I felt like that's all we focused on that appointment, we didn't talk about how she was using a fork at 9 months, or the words she has or any of the good stuff. It felt like we focused on the "negative". I ended up speaking to her about it and she ended up thanking me for bringing it up and apologized.
@roxchristian Super duper. I hired one of the “best” pediatricians in the state. First appointment she was asking weird religious questions and political nonsense. She was the only provider in her office and now I know why. Sometimes you can’t trust people’s reviews. We booed out so fast